The definition of trophology is essentially "Food Combining". The diet theory of food combining suggests not eating proteins and fats OR carbs within hours of each other also the theory is they digest differently. Non starchy vegetables are allowed on either...(Huh?)
I went to the Internet and interviewed my colleagues to do my research, I found that there are numerous websites, and blogs that support this theory.. and the question I received was "Should I eat fruit on an empty stomach for proper digestion?". The websites claim that eating fruit after a meal causes the whole meal to rot and ferment.. oh and the minute fruit comes into contact with the other food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil. The list of claims goes on.. and on. And it appears that people who are writing these books and blogs and making these false claims evidently missed out on physiology or biochemistry back in school.
I found a great little article by a Carrie Wiatt, who holds a Masters of Science from an accredited school and she reports these claims as untrue as well. According to most GI doctors, digestion is a process specific to each macronutrient. Eating different types of foods together will not inhibit the digestion of separate items or cause rotting or fermentation. Dr. Pochapin, the director of Monahan Center for Gastrointestinal Health at New York-Presbyterian Hosptial/Weill Cornell Medical Center explains: Rotting of fermentation means bacterial action on food resulting in decomposition. Because of the presence of hydrochloric acid, the stomach has very few bacteria. Food takes six to 10 hours to reach the colon, which explains why it does not matter when fruit is eaten.
If you ever studied the digestion of a human body you will find that carbohydrate, protein and fat digestion all work simultaneously with every combination of food we eat. Pairing certain foods together actually keeps us feeling fuller longer. If you add protein or fat with your fruit or a simple carbohydrate, this will slow down digestion, as protein and fat take longer to move through the digestive system. This does NOT mean that food sits in your stomach and rots... I mean come on...
Thanks for the question Allyology...keep them coming.. as I love to brainstorm!
I know where to look for the answers I need. Love this blog!