It's that season again.. and we are all seeking shelter from the flu and germ bug. There are several things you can do to ward off the flu besides washing your hands 300x a day, and wearing a mask.
The most important thing you can do this season is get your diet in order, and exercise to get your immune system on the right path. There are also certain foods as well you can incorporate in your diet to keep the flu at bay.
Here is a quick list of foods that may jump start your immune system...
1. Whole Wheat: It is full of zinc (which is super vital in maintaining a healthy immune system).
2. Bananas: These yellow friends contain vitamin B6, which has been known to help fight infection.
3. Sweet Potatoes: These guys are full of vitamin A, which our body needs to make enough white blood cells to fight off infections.
4. Garlic: Not only will you scare off your friends.. but you will be zapping off viruses and keeping infections away. I suggest crushing it and adding it to your salad or guacamole.
5. Tea: A group of researchers at Harvard found that by drinking five cups of black tea a day QUADRUPLED the body's immune defense system after two weeks. This is is some serious stuff!
6. Yogurt: It is those probiotics and prebiotics that keep disease causing germs out. Look for the live and active cultures especially.
7. Dark Chocolate: According to the British Journal of Nutrition.. this sweet stuff will boost your immune system in high doses (of cocoa).
8. Almonds: These heart healthy friends have a immune boosting vitamin E, which can possibly reduce your chance of catching a cold or respiratory infection.
Lastly.. get outside and stay active if you can. Fresh air will do you good and get you out of the office and home which usually crawl with germs.
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