Something I have discovered over the past few years... is that everyone has a life compass that will direct their life in many directions. You can choose to follow that compass... or ignore it. I decided to follow the life compass and base my decisions on intuition this past year. My gut has proven to be right in many situations over the years.. so I am going with it from here on out. Many big companies form a board of directors to lead them to success and financial gain. I decided why couldn't I form my own Life Board of Directors?
I have a unique group of friends and family on my board which consist of; a personal trainer, lawyer, physician assistant, life coach, dietitian(s), and a cousin who serves as my financial planner. When you are compiling your "Life Board of Directors" you do not necessarily have to pick your closest friends, but these peeps must be close enough you can confide in. I assembled my team "Team Kim" over this past year and consulted with them on my move to Denver and also with my finances and job.
I would meet with various members of my board at least once a week via phone or face to face. It is amazing how these meetings can keep you on track with your goals or ideas. According to an blog entry I read recently on John Kapeleris Journal (see below)
Many successful people establish their own personal “Board of Directors” by identifying key individuals who can assist them in specific areas of focus. If you need a business mentor or adviser you proceed by identifying and choosing someone who has had considerable success and achievement in business. Finding the right mentor or business coach can have a significant affect on your life. A mentor can teach and guide you through your life journey and can be one of the best ways to achieve personal success. Mentors can also accelerate your learning curve by providing the knowledge to fill the gap of “What you don’t know you don’t know“. For example, a business mentor can provide you with the tools and resources to grow your business or to teach you the strategies and processes (tricks of the trade) for a new business opportunity.
I also meet with a few of these board members for a yearly retreat in the mountains to reflect, discover, and maybe have a few drinks to toast our accomplishments over the past year. This has now became a yearly tradition.

Set your compass... form your team.. and let life lead you....
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