I am Kim, a Not-So-Serious-Registered Dietitian living in the Denver, Colorado area blogging my way through the myths of nutrition, exercise, and healthy lifestyle.

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Day 28
The End has come... and here are the final results...........
Total Weight Loss: 5 pounds
Waist: Lost 1 inch
Hips: Lost 2 inches
Chest: Lost 1 inch (WTH??)
Bicep: Lost .25 inch
Body Fat: Down 3%
My Metabolic Age: 29 (Hells ya!!! I lost 7 years.)
I have decided to continue with clean eating, and being very cautious of my meal intake and snacking for that matter. I feel good eating healthy.. and hope to continue with these newly formed habits.
So after my final meeting today, I immediately went to Whole Foods and picked up my first meal.. which was 6 little tiny (smaller than my fist) pita pockets that were stuffed with Tuna Fish or Egg Salad on top of a bed of purple cabbage and red grapes... this did not work out so well.. I am sooo nauseated. So.. we will take either whole wheat, or foods with mayo very slowly. I actually stopped using mayo about 2 months ago as my brother had mentioned he had started using vegenaise... I thought I would give it a college try... and it has grown on me..so I now use only veganaise on my sandwiches.
This next week.. I plan to blog about adding foods (dairy, wheat, COFFEE, back into my diet.. what works.. and what does not work. I also want to review the 28 Day Cleanse from an Dietitian's perspective. The main question will be... will the weight come back on?? Will I continue to lose?? So many questions.. but I will try to get them answered.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Day 27
We will let Barry Manilow best describe my feelings tonight with this epic song from the 70's....(and not to mention his outfit)....I think my dad still wears that same vest. Take it away Barry....
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Day 26
Cue Peter, Paul and Mary singing "Puff the Magic Dragon" while I am about to tell you my experience with one of my new supplements that I have been taking. The supplement is Curcumin, which is a curcuminoid of the popular Indian spice Tumeric. Tumeric is a powerful antioxidant and acts as an anti-inflammatory as well. The list is too large to tell you all the benefits behind this medicinal Indian spice. But I ventured out to find this supplement (which isn't hard to find) about a month ago.. and noted that the shelf was almost empty.. and there was 1 bottle left. Guess everyone had the same idea. When I opened up the bottle that evening.. I looked at this pill (which looks like this....
I administered the pill with 4oz of water.. which I felt was adequate to digest this thing. About 8 minutes later.. I was on the phone and happened to start coughing... and blew orange powder out my mouth.. like this...
Well.. not quite like this... but enough to startle me.. and laugh at the same time. So moral of the story is again.. to take your supplements with LOADS of water.. to avoid puffing out like a dragon I guess. This could actually be a great party trick over Easter.. that I could totally freak out my family with while we are standing around visiting.
As we are wrapping up these final days of the cleanse.. I have started to pretty much cave in more than normal. For instance, today I walked into my dietary supervisors office and she had a fried banana on her desk from the Thai food that they had ordered earlier.. it looked similar to this....
It tasted like HEAVEN... and I did not look back. This kind of stuff kills me.. because when in the world would I ever eat this again. Because I sure as heck would never fry bananas at my house... a matter a fact anything. So this made my day... and now I am enjoying a nice sweet potato for dinner with some coconut spread in place of butter.
Mind, Body, Spirit: No complaints... I just had a fried bananna!
I administered the pill with 4oz of water.. which I felt was adequate to digest this thing. About 8 minutes later.. I was on the phone and happened to start coughing... and blew orange powder out my mouth.. like this...
Well.. not quite like this... but enough to startle me.. and laugh at the same time. So moral of the story is again.. to take your supplements with LOADS of water.. to avoid puffing out like a dragon I guess. This could actually be a great party trick over Easter.. that I could totally freak out my family with while we are standing around visiting.
As we are wrapping up these final days of the cleanse.. I have started to pretty much cave in more than normal. For instance, today I walked into my dietary supervisors office and she had a fried banana on her desk from the Thai food that they had ordered earlier.. it looked similar to this....
It tasted like HEAVEN... and I did not look back. This kind of stuff kills me.. because when in the world would I ever eat this again. Because I sure as heck would never fry bananas at my house... a matter a fact anything. So this made my day... and now I am enjoying a nice sweet potato for dinner with some coconut spread in place of butter.
Mind, Body, Spirit: No complaints... I just had a fried bananna!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Day 25
Over the past 2 years.. Eggs and I have had a love hate relationship. Not from a nutritional standpoint but resulting from a food documentary I watched by the name of this:
On a side note.. I spend a great deal of my time reading and researching the area of food safety and sanitation.. and I also inspect kitchens as part of my job as a consultant. Just ask my friends.. they know I will not touch a buffet, a lemon wedge, or salad that has sat out greater than 2 hours. I have gained a great deal of knowledge on food safety and sanitation from food inspectors, my former boss, and chefs in the field. Unfortunately after watching Food, Inc.. I could no longer stomach the thought of chicken or eggs for almost a year. I now only purchase cage free eggs, and free range chicken. I know it is much more expensive.. but it gives me a piece of mind.. and the smell is much more appealing to me when I open the package or carton. Do you want this....
or would you prefer this...
I have since regained my appetite for eggs.. and will forever stand by the incredible.. edible egg. Eggs have amazing health benefits... and should not be overlooked. I just finished reading an article by Liz Applegate, Ph.D who writes for Runners World magazine. Her article was egg-cellent!! :) A study conducted on dieters who had eggs for breakfast achieved a 60 percent greater weight loss compared to those who began their day with a calorie-equivalent bagel. I completely agree with this... as I have been incorporating eggs(Cage Free) into my breakfast routine.. and have noticed I eat considerably less at lunch.. and feel satisfied for most of the morning. I always hear ... "But what about my cholesterol??". Why yes.. there is cholesterol in an egg.. but recent research debunks that theory that eggs are linked to heart disease. A matter a fact... there is a unique protein in the egg that blocks blood platelets from clumping together (according to Liz Applegate). I am not saying you should eat 5 eggs a day.. but eggs through out the week is acceptable. On a side note: try mixing 1 egg with egg whites instead to give it a little more volume.. and satiety.
Alright.. we are on the downward spiral.. and I officially have 3 days left on my cleanse...the hard part is over. The biggest challenge will be adding foods back in.. and also maintaining my healthy habits. Wait a minute.. I am a dietitian.. I was already eating healthy :) Don't let a dietitian fool you.. we are human as well.. and we make ALL foods fit. Except for those few dietitians who ruin it for the rest of us. I will officially weigh myself on Saturday and take my measurements... we will see if all of this is worth it.
Till tomorrow....
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Day 24
You are probably all wondering what is up with the small packet of pills. This small packet of "Fun" is just another step to this 30 days cleanse. I have been religiously taking this "Daily Power Pack" of supplements which includes: A multivitamin, probiotic/enzyme capsule, and those three pinkish pills are supposed to be full of antioxidants and minerals to support bone health. According to the box these pills will promote nutrient absorption, support eye health, breast health, and provide energy and longevity. Wow!! so.. what they are saying.. is that by day 30 my vision will be 20/20, my boobs will be a "E" cup, and I will most likely live to 100. Awesome!
Unfortunately..the box did not say that you need to take these on a FULL stomach.. and I mean... FULL!!!! Today I was giving a dietary consult at work... and was overcome with SEVERE nausea after downing this whole pack of pills after my smoothie. I thought I was going to barf in my patients room. Had to leave in the middle of my consult.. do a few laps around the hallway and do some deep breathing... and regain my composure. Not to mention it was a psych unit.. which was locked.. and there was no bathroom to be found. I seriously took these pills with 16.9oz of water.. and they still made me so nauseated. I think I am done with the power pack for now.. and will continue with my fish oil and other GI friendly supplements I have been taking for years with no altercations.
I plan to really dissect this cleanse on Day 30 for you all... and will even bring in another dietitian's view point as well. I will also be continuing the blog for a few more weeks after this is completed to see if I have any intolerance's.. when I add my foods back into my diet, I will humor you with my first beer, and cup of coffee this weekend. Might even bring my Nebraska family into the mix when I leave next week for Easter. Hope to document and post pictures of the food we will be eating... as it will give some of my California friends a heart attack. I sure hope mom makes this.....
I actually have no idea what this is... but I seriously died laughing when I came across this, Looks like something me and my girlfriends may have concocted back in the days of college!!!
Till tomorrow everyone....
You are probably all wondering what is up with the small packet of pills. This small packet of "Fun" is just another step to this 30 days cleanse. I have been religiously taking this "Daily Power Pack" of supplements which includes: A multivitamin, probiotic/enzyme capsule, and those three pinkish pills are supposed to be full of antioxidants and minerals to support bone health. According to the box these pills will promote nutrient absorption, support eye health, breast health, and provide energy and longevity. Wow!! so.. what they are saying.. is that by day 30 my vision will be 20/20, my boobs will be a "E" cup, and I will most likely live to 100. Awesome!
Unfortunately..the box did not say that you need to take these on a FULL stomach.. and I mean... FULL!!!! Today I was giving a dietary consult at work... and was overcome with SEVERE nausea after downing this whole pack of pills after my smoothie. I thought I was going to barf in my patients room. Had to leave in the middle of my consult.. do a few laps around the hallway and do some deep breathing... and regain my composure. Not to mention it was a psych unit.. which was locked.. and there was no bathroom to be found. I seriously took these pills with 16.9oz of water.. and they still made me so nauseated. I think I am done with the power pack for now.. and will continue with my fish oil and other GI friendly supplements I have been taking for years with no altercations.
I plan to really dissect this cleanse on Day 30 for you all... and will even bring in another dietitian's view point as well. I will also be continuing the blog for a few more weeks after this is completed to see if I have any intolerance's.. when I add my foods back into my diet, I will humor you with my first beer, and cup of coffee this weekend. Might even bring my Nebraska family into the mix when I leave next week for Easter. Hope to document and post pictures of the food we will be eating... as it will give some of my California friends a heart attack. I sure hope mom makes this.....
I actually have no idea what this is... but I seriously died laughing when I came across this, Looks like something me and my girlfriends may have concocted back in the days of college!!!
Till tomorrow everyone....
Monday, March 26, 2012
Day 23
Genetically Modified Food
Genetically modified foods are foods derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Genetically modified organisms have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques.
If you have never heard of Genetically Modified Food (GMO).. then you probably have a third leg or eye by now from eating it. Oh I am just kidding.. but I do want to point out that there is a great deal of research and controversy out there regarding this.. and potential harmful effects it could have on our society. Before I get up on my soap box and preach to the choir.. I would like to point out that there are pros and cons to GMO's and urge alot of you to read up on this.. as it may someday effect the quality or price of our food. A few years ago I listened to this gentleman speak in San Francisco..
If you have never heard of Genetically Modified Food (GMO).. then you probably have a third leg or eye by now from eating it. Oh I am just kidding.. but I do want to point out that there is a great deal of research and controversy out there regarding this.. and potential harmful effects it could have on our society. Before I get up on my soap box and preach to the choir.. I would like to point out that there are pros and cons to GMO's and urge alot of you to read up on this.. as it may someday effect the quality or price of our food. A few years ago I listened to this gentleman speak in San Francisco..
Jeffrey Smith spoke on genetically engineered food, and it was an eye opening seminar. I immediately darted to his booth after his talk.. and ripped off collected all the information I could on this.. including these great grocery shopping pads that show foods foods that are lowest in pesticides, and the dirty dozen which you should consider buying organic. Here is a great list I will share with you that you can copy and take with you to the grocery store:
Foods Lowest in Pesticides:
Onions, Avocados, Frozen Sweet Corn, Pineapples, Mangos, Frozen Sweet Peas, Asparagus, Kiwi Fruit, Cabbage, Eggplant, Cantaloupe (domestic), Watermelon, Grapefruit, Sweet Potatoes, and Honeydew Melon
Dirt Dozen (You Should Buy these in Organic)
Celery, Peaches, Strawberries, Apples, Blueberries (Domestic), Nectarines, Sweet Bell Peppers, Spinach, Cherries, Collard Greens/Kale, Potatoes, Grapes.
I guess I should talk about my cleanse.. since that is the reason I am blogging. I officially have 5 days left of cleansing.. and looking forward to my first cup of coffee on Sunday. I plan to head over to Starbucks for this.. and I plan to have this much as enthusiasm as Will Ferrel upon entering Starbucks
Mind, Body, Spirit:
I ran 2 miles today... woo hoo.. and felt great.
No change in weight...
Mind, Body, Spirit:
I ran 2 miles today... woo hoo.. and felt great.
No change in weight...
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Day 22
Clean Eating
Essentially this is exactly what I have been doing for the past 22 days, some of my friends are under the impression that I drink smoothies all day and avoid solid foods and wear a leotard to work. They are completely wrong..as actually I am eating real foods, but mostly avoid processed foods and eating more so organic when I can. Now that I have completed the "Cleanse" portion, I am feeling 100% better, and feel as though I have a great deal of energy. Another bizarre trait that I am now able to accomplish within the past 3 months.. is place the palms of my hands flat on the ground while bending over. Like this.....
Most of you can probably already do this (as my BFF/Personal Trainer/Health Coach in Denver is LOL as she reads this).. but I am now able to do it comfortably (and hold it).. without grunting like a wild boar. I decided when I finish this cleanse.. I hope to continue with some of the new habits I have acquired such as not eating after 7:OOpm, and getting optimal sleep if allowed. This past month has been quite stressful for me and I sometimes wonder how I am able to make it through a 12 hour day with little to no caffeine. By damm.. I can do this.. and despite the fact that I probably will never do a cleanse again.. I am glad I took part in this experiment.. as I have learned so much in the past 30 days. All these nights that I have not been able to go out and eat, drink, and be merry.. I was watching food documentaries on Netflix, reading my Clean Living magazine.. and regenerating my liver. I can assure you that I now have a liver of a 8 year old.. from all the liver detox teas and supplements I have been taking. Here is an illustration that might change your mind on boozing...
Happy Sunday Everyone...Cheers
Oh wait.. forgot about my mind, body and spirit stats...
Weight: Down 5-6# since starting the cleanse.
Probably will not make the Tony Horton P90X infomercial yet... but could be a prospect for the shake weight infomercial. Mom and Dad would be soooo proud...
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Day 21
Hello Day 21... I have been waiting for you, as this is the day from here on out.. that I will officially have trained my body to eat clean, and make wise food choices for the remainder of my life. Amen.
Okay.. this is not realistic.. as I do want my social life back.. I want to wine taste up in Napa, eat cheese by the block, and drink beer at the Gastropub here in town that I recently discovered with friends. So there....
So I want to introduce you to a guy that I am very fond of (see picture below)
This is Walter Willett (or as I call him Walt). Here is a quick little intro to him.. thanks to Wikipedia:
Walter Willett, MD, DrPH., is an American physician and nutrition researcher. Currently, Willett is the Fredrick John Stare Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition, and Chair of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health. He is also a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.[2]
When I was a graduate student back at Ball State University collaborating research for my masters thesis.. I needed to design a tool that I could measure the male and female triathletes habitual food intake before, during, and after a half-ironman triathlon. Walter Willett which of whom has happened to have facilitated several big studies during the course of his career.. and I knew he might be able to provide me guidance with my research.. so I did something sort of crazy.. and I contacted "Walt" via email.. at Harvard. This would be like emailing Oprah and asking her if it would be ok if she helped me out with a few school loan payments. Total shot in the dark.. but worth a try! I emailed Dr. Willett and requested permission to use his semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire in my thesis.. and also asked him if this tool would be useful, yada.. yada.. yada. Low and behold... after about a week... I arrived at my office one morning.. and guess who responded back to me... there it was.. in my inbox... a response from Dr. Walter Willett from Harvard University. The email was short.. but he had given me permission and guidance to utilize this tool in my research. I am forever grateful to Dr. Willett for responding back to me.. and allowing me to complete my research. He also wrote this book....
This past week.. there was an excellent article in the LA Times regarding the red meat debate and Walter Willett answered a few of my questions.. once again. Check out this article....
I am feeling really good today.. energy level is back up.. and spent almost 2 hours with my cleanse group this morning talking about our aches and GI pains (which are gone)... as well as our cravings. I then went to Sprouts to pick up some almonds, Swiss chard for my shakes, and I also spent $$$$ on a liquid form of Fish Oil.. that is supposedly more readily absorbed. I was telling a friend recently that I probably smell like the ocean with all the Kale, and fish oil I am taking. The more money you pay.. the better quality.. and less likely you will burp up fish oil.. or smell like the ocean. Keep that in mind.
Cheers to another week of the cleanse.... and drinking green sludge for breakfast which I delicately concoct everyday.
Okay.. this is not realistic.. as I do want my social life back.. I want to wine taste up in Napa, eat cheese by the block, and drink beer at the Gastropub here in town that I recently discovered with friends. So there....
So I want to introduce you to a guy that I am very fond of (see picture below)
This is Walter Willett (or as I call him Walt). Here is a quick little intro to him.. thanks to Wikipedia:
Walter Willett, MD, DrPH., is an American physician and nutrition researcher. Currently, Willett is the Fredrick John Stare Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition, and Chair of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health. He is also a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.[2]
When I was a graduate student back at Ball State University collaborating research for my masters thesis.. I needed to design a tool that I could measure the male and female triathletes habitual food intake before, during, and after a half-ironman triathlon. Walter Willett which of whom has happened to have facilitated several big studies during the course of his career.. and I knew he might be able to provide me guidance with my research.. so I did something sort of crazy.. and I contacted "Walt" via email.. at Harvard. This would be like emailing Oprah and asking her if it would be ok if she helped me out with a few school loan payments. Total shot in the dark.. but worth a try! I emailed Dr. Willett and requested permission to use his semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire in my thesis.. and also asked him if this tool would be useful, yada.. yada.. yada. Low and behold... after about a week... I arrived at my office one morning.. and guess who responded back to me... there it was.. in my inbox... a response from Dr. Walter Willett from Harvard University. The email was short.. but he had given me permission and guidance to utilize this tool in my research. I am forever grateful to Dr. Willett for responding back to me.. and allowing me to complete my research. He also wrote this book....
This past week.. there was an excellent article in the LA Times regarding the red meat debate and Walter Willett answered a few of my questions.. once again. Check out this article....
I am feeling really good today.. energy level is back up.. and spent almost 2 hours with my cleanse group this morning talking about our aches and GI pains (which are gone)... as well as our cravings. I then went to Sprouts to pick up some almonds, Swiss chard for my shakes, and I also spent $$$$ on a liquid form of Fish Oil.. that is supposedly more readily absorbed. I was telling a friend recently that I probably smell like the ocean with all the Kale, and fish oil I am taking. The more money you pay.. the better quality.. and less likely you will burp up fish oil.. or smell like the ocean. Keep that in mind.
Cheers to another week of the cleanse.... and drinking green sludge for breakfast which I delicately concoct everyday.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Day 20
So today I worked in the San Jose area, and had a chance to spend some quality time with a fellow Dietetic intern from San Jose state. I brought my lunch to her desk... and she started looking at my food and asked me what I was eating. I went on to tell her that I was on day 20 of my "Cleanse" and her jaw dropped. She was shocked that I would talk part in such a thing... but I told her about my hypothesis and challenge to myself. Then went on to tell her how much I have learned by simply eating clean.. and studying food more so than I have my entire life. We talked about the grass fed beef debate, toxins in the body and how they are removed. I have even started to bring enough food with me as I always have a few peeps who want to try my "Science Experiment" of a lunch. This particular item has been a hit for my RD friends who I eat with.. and they are ridiculously addictive
You can find them at Trader Joe's; 20 Chips = 140kcal, 6 g of Fat. Ingredients: Plantains, sunflower oil and salt. That's it... so they are pretty healthy in a (unprocessed kind of way).
I also realized that I had ran out of my detox tea... so I went over to Sprouts and picked up Organic Roasted Dandelion Root Caffeine Free Herbal Tea. Which claims to promote healthy liver function. I also did some research on dandelion last night.. and came up with this.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center: Dandelion is a rich source of vitamins A, B complex, C, and D, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium, and zinc. So far, there have not been any good quality scientific studies on dandelion. Today, the roots are mainly used as an appetite stimulant, and for liver and gallbladder problems. Dandelion leaves are used as a diuretic to help the body get rid of excess fluid.
Did I read that right?? Used as an appetite stimulant?? Hold the phone.. I sure as heck have no trouble enticing myself to eat. So we may have to go easy on the dandelion root. Or else...
But dandelion also has alternative names as well I learned .. such as: Lion's tooth; Priest's crown; Swine's snout; Taraxacum officinale. Seriously... where did this ever originate?
So anyway... we are now approaching day 21... and I am curious if the saying is true "It takes 21 days to form a habit"... we will see about that.
More on this tomorrow....
You can find them at Trader Joe's; 20 Chips = 140kcal, 6 g of Fat. Ingredients: Plantains, sunflower oil and salt. That's it... so they are pretty healthy in a (unprocessed kind of way).
I also realized that I had ran out of my detox tea... so I went over to Sprouts and picked up Organic Roasted Dandelion Root Caffeine Free Herbal Tea. Which claims to promote healthy liver function. I also did some research on dandelion last night.. and came up with this.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center: Dandelion is a rich source of vitamins A, B complex, C, and D, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium, and zinc. So far, there have not been any good quality scientific studies on dandelion. Today, the roots are mainly used as an appetite stimulant, and for liver and gallbladder problems. Dandelion leaves are used as a diuretic to help the body get rid of excess fluid.
Did I read that right?? Used as an appetite stimulant?? Hold the phone.. I sure as heck have no trouble enticing myself to eat. So we may have to go easy on the dandelion root. Or else...
But dandelion also has alternative names as well I learned .. such as: Lion's tooth; Priest's crown; Swine's snout; Taraxacum officinale. Seriously... where did this ever originate?
So anyway... we are now approaching day 21... and I am curious if the saying is true "It takes 21 days to form a habit"... we will see about that.
More on this tomorrow....
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Day 18 & 19
Sorry for the double post.. but I have been pulling 12 hour days.. and life is not so great right now. But keeping my head up high.. and doing the exercises Dr. Weil (from Spontaneous Happiness) mentioned in his book. (Great book by the way)
I had mentioned earlier (15 days ago or so) that I would speak briefly on my favorite supplement that I have been taking religiously for the past 2 years.. and have had extraordinary results from. This supplement would be Fish Oil. Fish Oil has been in the news ALOT this past year or so.. mainly due to the fact that it has several anti-inflammatory properties.. and with research to back it up!! Omega-3 fatty acids are also emerging as an effective therapy for mood disorders, depression and bipolar disorder. It just so happened I read an article recently in "Today's Dietitian" regarding the effect Omega-3's had on mood disorders. It is fascinating to me that fish oils (Omega-3's) can clearly help with depression.. while also have the same effect on the body as Ibuprofen. I am a firm believer in this supplement.. as I have a story to share. About 2 years ago.. I was training for a half-marathon.. and was overcome with injury after injury... I then started taking around 2-3g of Fish Oil a day... and I started to notice my body was not aching anymore.. and my plantar fasciitis ( inflammation) seemed to have gone away. Not to mention... my cholesterol dropped 50pts! Then..over the course of this past year I went through a significant life transition and started taking my fish oil again religiously (2-3g/day).. and noticed a very... almost strange calmness in my mood... cannot explain it... but it was an amazing change of my overall well being. The current recommendation by the American Heart Association is 2 or more servings of fatty fish per week, which works out to be 500mg a day. I am taking a shade higher than the average bear... due to the fact I read alot.. and have found that I am benefiting from the current amount I am taking. Always consult your MD first before taking fish oil, especially if you are already on statins, or other medications that may counteract. But for the most part.. the average healthy adult will be safe around 1-2g of fish oil a day. Here is a great reference article as well
I am going to let you in on a really well known fact.. that will help you when purchasing your fish oils or any supplements for that matter.... first.. take a look at this bottle below:
On the right just below the words Fish Oil on the bottle... do you see that little USP sign in the yellow circle? Well that is a very important seal.. that I always look for when purchasing supplements. The United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) is a scientific nonprofit organization that sets standards for the identity, strength, quality, and purity of medicines, food ingredients, and dietary supplements manufactured, distributed and consumed worldwide. I also interview pharmacists in alot of stores I go into.. and have collected my very own list of reputable brands of vitamins and minerals that I use. I will let you in on another great resource to check on your current supplements that you may be taking. The website is www.consumerlabs.com This is an EXCELLENT resource, as they test most brand name supplements on the market.. and will provide a really informative report to see if your supplement passed the test. You will have to pay a small fee to join.. or you can be a member as well. I have used this website a great deal... as I am almost OCD when it comes to supplements and where they were produced and tested.
During this cleanse.. I started taking flax seed and my fish oils to help with the aching.. as I go through the cleansing cycle. I am approaching day 19.. and wondering if I will have formed a solid habit by day 21.. as most literature will tell you. We will see...
Mind, Body & Spirit: My mood is MUCH better today... and did not yawn once!!!
Weight: The Same :) (must of been that filipino soup I had for lunch.. I could not resist)
On a funny note: I just got off the phone with my dad back in Nebraska.. and asked him if he could pick up some Gluten free bread for me .. for Easter.. he said "What is Lutten free bread?" Can hardly wait to get home.....
I had mentioned earlier (15 days ago or so) that I would speak briefly on my favorite supplement that I have been taking religiously for the past 2 years.. and have had extraordinary results from. This supplement would be Fish Oil. Fish Oil has been in the news ALOT this past year or so.. mainly due to the fact that it has several anti-inflammatory properties.. and with research to back it up!! Omega-3 fatty acids are also emerging as an effective therapy for mood disorders, depression and bipolar disorder. It just so happened I read an article recently in "Today's Dietitian" regarding the effect Omega-3's had on mood disorders. It is fascinating to me that fish oils (Omega-3's) can clearly help with depression.. while also have the same effect on the body as Ibuprofen. I am a firm believer in this supplement.. as I have a story to share. About 2 years ago.. I was training for a half-marathon.. and was overcome with injury after injury... I then started taking around 2-3g of Fish Oil a day... and I started to notice my body was not aching anymore.. and my plantar fasciitis ( inflammation) seemed to have gone away. Not to mention... my cholesterol dropped 50pts! Then..over the course of this past year I went through a significant life transition and started taking my fish oil again religiously (2-3g/day).. and noticed a very... almost strange calmness in my mood... cannot explain it... but it was an amazing change of my overall well being. The current recommendation by the American Heart Association is 2 or more servings of fatty fish per week, which works out to be 500mg a day. I am taking a shade higher than the average bear... due to the fact I read alot.. and have found that I am benefiting from the current amount I am taking. Always consult your MD first before taking fish oil, especially if you are already on statins, or other medications that may counteract. But for the most part.. the average healthy adult will be safe around 1-2g of fish oil a day. Here is a great reference article as well
I am going to let you in on a really well known fact.. that will help you when purchasing your fish oils or any supplements for that matter.... first.. take a look at this bottle below:
On the right just below the words Fish Oil on the bottle... do you see that little USP sign in the yellow circle? Well that is a very important seal.. that I always look for when purchasing supplements. The United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) is a scientific nonprofit organization that sets standards for the identity, strength, quality, and purity of medicines, food ingredients, and dietary supplements manufactured, distributed and consumed worldwide. I also interview pharmacists in alot of stores I go into.. and have collected my very own list of reputable brands of vitamins and minerals that I use. I will let you in on another great resource to check on your current supplements that you may be taking. The website is www.consumerlabs.com This is an EXCELLENT resource, as they test most brand name supplements on the market.. and will provide a really informative report to see if your supplement passed the test. You will have to pay a small fee to join.. or you can be a member as well. I have used this website a great deal... as I am almost OCD when it comes to supplements and where they were produced and tested.
During this cleanse.. I started taking flax seed and my fish oils to help with the aching.. as I go through the cleansing cycle. I am approaching day 19.. and wondering if I will have formed a solid habit by day 21.. as most literature will tell you. We will see...
Mind, Body & Spirit: My mood is MUCH better today... and did not yawn once!!!
Weight: The Same :) (must of been that filipino soup I had for lunch.. I could not resist)
On a funny note: I just got off the phone with my dad back in Nebraska.. and asked him if he could pick up some Gluten free bread for me .. for Easter.. he said "What is Lutten free bread?" Can hardly wait to get home.....
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Day 17
As promised.. I was going to talk about Almond Milk this evening... I have been adding this particular brand to my smoothie's which I am now drinking 2x a day.. and only eating 1 meal. I am seriously.. the most unhappy person right now. How much fun is it to drink a smoothie for 2 meals! I would seriously eat nursing home puree food at this point and smile while I was doing it. It's amazing how this cleanse has really played with my emotions. Okay.. before I call the help line due to depression.. I am going to give you the break down on Almond Milk:
1 Cup = 60kcals
2.5 g of Fat
1g of Fiber
7g of Sugar
1g of Protein
The benefits of Almond milk.. is that it is Lactose and Soy Free...but not that best source of protein if that is what you are shooting for... but it is a great alternative to dairy free milk.. and low calorie. I purchase the unflavored for less sugar. I found that the vanilla flavor was making my smoothie's ultra sweet.
I made the executive decision today to stop drinking the cleanse formula(colon blow)! I have 2 bottles left.. which equals 2 days of feeling like I have the flu. I am not going to do this to myself anymore.. I cannot afford to be a zombie at my job... and work 12 hour days feeling like crap. So.. let's see if it makes any difference in my cleanse outcome compared to the others. So I am hoping by Thursday I feel like this....
I ended up weighing myself tonight.. and I am down another pound, but that could be due to the fact I felt like I had the flu all day yesterday and didn't eat much.
Mind Body & Spirit: I had serious brain fog today.. and was exhausted. Hoping for a better day tomorrow... Seriously.. is this the most depressing posts EVER. I should of renamed my blog.. Dirty Deeds of Debbie Downer....
Monday, March 19, 2012
Day 16
This past weekend I had signed up for a 5K Race here in my hometown and ended up sleeping through the whole darn thing Sunday morning. Oops! Seriously.. I do not even care.. as it was raining.. the wind was blowing.. excuses.. excuses. I decided to drink my detox tea.. and watch "My Strange Addictions". This show is out of hand... people who drink their own urine, one lady sniffed moth balls, another guy made out with his car.
Meanwhile.. back on the ranch, I am going to talk about Almond vs Soy Milk this evening. A quick fun fact I bet you did not all know.. is that I served as an intern for the Nebraska Soybean Board back in 1997 for about 1 year. Yes.. I was that person who had the little demo set up at the grocery store.. wearing my UGLY denim shirt that the soybean board made me wear. I also had a few radio segments during my stint as an intern.. which I would be horrified to hear now. During those days.. I can remember when soy was all over the news.. and still is.. regarding all it's health benefits. Soy has became a popular alternative to those who cannot tolerate cows milk. Soy milk is high in protein, and has more fiber than cows milk. Downside is that it is lower in Calcium, but manufacturers have started adding calcium to their products. Here is a popular brand that I have found and grown to love..
Soymilk unfortunately has taken a bit of bad rap recently over the years with mixed research out there. It has been said...yet not confirmed, that soy milk has been suspected for reducing male fertility and sperm count. Soy sterol may interfere with progesterone production during pregnancy, Soy sterol may potentially counteract the effects of chemo and tamoxifen therapy. I recently attended a seminar and the take home message I received regarding soy... is that the research is still variably mixed. (So there you go Soybean Board...I still have your back until proven otherwise).
Unfortunately due to time.. I am going to have to talk about Almond Milk tomorrow instead.... stay tuned!!
I have nothing to report....
Meanwhile.. back on the ranch, I am going to talk about Almond vs Soy Milk this evening. A quick fun fact I bet you did not all know.. is that I served as an intern for the Nebraska Soybean Board back in 1997 for about 1 year. Yes.. I was that person who had the little demo set up at the grocery store.. wearing my UGLY denim shirt that the soybean board made me wear. I also had a few radio segments during my stint as an intern.. which I would be horrified to hear now. During those days.. I can remember when soy was all over the news.. and still is.. regarding all it's health benefits. Soy has became a popular alternative to those who cannot tolerate cows milk. Soy milk is high in protein, and has more fiber than cows milk. Downside is that it is lower in Calcium, but manufacturers have started adding calcium to their products. Here is a popular brand that I have found and grown to love..
Soymilk unfortunately has taken a bit of bad rap recently over the years with mixed research out there. It has been said...yet not confirmed, that soy milk has been suspected for reducing male fertility and sperm count. Soy sterol may interfere with progesterone production during pregnancy, Soy sterol may potentially counteract the effects of chemo and tamoxifen therapy. I recently attended a seminar and the take home message I received regarding soy... is that the research is still variably mixed. (So there you go Soybean Board...I still have your back until proven otherwise).
Unfortunately due to time.. I am going to have to talk about Almond Milk tomorrow instead.... stay tuned!!
I have nothing to report....
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Day 15
As I reported yesterday... some of us have been experiencing flu-like symptoms, upset stomach, and a very upset GI. It was discussed that this could be the toxins in our system needing to be flushed out. I started feeling better around noon today.. but probably not going to head out and run 2 miles. We also discussed introducing foods back into our system after the cleanse is over... and that it needs to be done gradually. This could be a shade challenging.. as it will be Easter break for me.. and there will probably be alot of "unhealthy" food being served at the table.. and some..
This is the only family mart that is available in my hometown... and they have the best pizza around according to my dad. Oh.. and breakfast sandwiches. But you will find me doing this
This past week I have been eating these as a side item with my lunch... never ever would of thought I would be eating these. But they are filling.. and good for ya Yes.. my palate is changing.
Mind, Body, Spirit: No feeling of euphoria yet...still waiting.
Clothes are a little loose... that's all I can note at this time. Weight is still the same.
And Some
And then
This is the only family mart that is available in my hometown... and they have the best pizza around according to my dad. Oh.. and breakfast sandwiches. But you will find me doing this
This past week I have been eating these as a side item with my lunch... never ever would of thought I would be eating these. But they are filling.. and good for ya Yes.. my palate is changing.
Mind, Body, Spirit: No feeling of euphoria yet...still waiting.
Clothes are a little loose... that's all I can note at this time. Weight is still the same.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Day 14
I am now approaching Week 3 of the cleanse.. and I have never felt so bad since starting the 7 day cleanse portion by consuming this "special" cleanse drink. I wake up with a hung-over type feeling.. my stomach is upset, and I almost feel as though I have the flu. I will be curious to know if the other's are feeling this as well.. because if so.. I am not sure if I can do this again?. I weighed myself this morning.. down 1-2 pounds since I started this... and not impressed thus far. I was expecting to feel like a million dollars by now. Could it be.. that I am not drinking enough water to get rid of the toxins that this cleanse drink is accumulating? or is this drink just not made for human consumption. I am going to start calorie counting for the next 2 weeks.. by entering all my food into a nutrition analysis program and see what the heck is really happening. But for now... here are a few items that I have been living on...
Rainbow Chard
I have been adding these items to my smoothie's in the morning.. and loving it. This next week we will be drinking a smoothie for 2 of our meals... so I have chosen to drink mine for breakfast and dinner most likely. We have been asked to journal our hunger factor and emotions in regards to food as well. So I guess I will go back to my STATS portion of the blog again.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Day 13
So after I posted all that fun stuff yesterday... guess what... my stomach is on fire, and I am not feeling so hot today after eating fried food.. and then drinking my colon blow drink today... feeling horrible. That is all I have to say about that. Tomorrow (Saturday) we will be getting together in the afternoon to discuss our progress. I also had a very crazy day... and ready for bed. It's 9:00PM on a Friday night.. and I don't even care.....
Good Night!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Day 12
Well....I caved BIG time today. It all started at lunch... when I discovered the chef made the all famous "Matzah Ball Soup" ... I have been waiting for the next Jewish holiday or celebration at work (Note: I currently work in a Jewish Community at the present) and am completely fascinated by the Kosher kitchen.. and practices we must follow with dairy and meat.. and how food is prepared and kept. So here is what I had for lunch
And then.. around 3:00... there was a birthday party.. and the cooks prepared from scratch their Filipino cuisine.. which is to DIE for.. you cannot pass this stuff up. Seriously...check this out
And then.. around 3:00... there was a birthday party.. and the cooks prepared from scratch their Filipino cuisine.. which is to DIE for.. you cannot pass this stuff up. Seriously...check this out
Chicken Adobo
Homemade Lumpia
For real... is this crazy... and then I tried their famous drink "Halo.. Halo" it is sooo good
We can pretty much call this a day of pure cheating... but it was worth it. And I did the old "When Harry Met Sally" orgasmic howl when I tried all their food.. and the cooks were all smiles with everyone enjoying their masterpieces today.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Day 11
So this particular clip explains my day today.......
Don't worry.. I will explain. Today I took part in a "tasting" of the main entree being served at the facility I was working at. This building is staffed with full time chefs.. and I mean.. trained.. CIA/Culinary school chefs on staff. And today I cheated... and took a bite of the stuffed eggplant with hummus and cheese. And I did the old "When Harry Met Sally" orgasmic scream in the kitchen because it tasted that good.
If there is one thing I have learned over the past few years working with various different cultures, chefs, and cooks... is that if they ask you to try their food.. then you darn well better try it. They find it highly offensive if you say no... so with that over the past few years, you may find me in Bakersfield, CA sitting outside the kitchen on milk crates in 100+ temps eating homemade tortilla's with the cooks, Or sitting in the break room in Hayward, CA eating lumpia or chicken adobo with my cooks. I have also worked in a Chinese adult day health program in San Francisco.. and was able to experience very unique foods during my time there that I could not identify.. but ended up loving it.
I really enjoy this part of my job, and have found that this cleanse has changed my palate for some foods as well. For instance.. I no longer crave chocolate.. or candy, I also find Gatorade to be too sweet.. as well as soda. I have not yet been able to pinpoint if my appetite is gone because of my stress level right now.. or simply from exhaustion. I have not really noticed any significant changes to report.. besides I have noticed a small change in my dress pants. I have had to hang a few of them up.. as they are too big?? What?? Are you there God.. it's me Margaret... could this be happening?? I cannot really say if it is cleanse related... as I have had a significant change in my work schedule, and life events.. which has immensely affected my appetite.
Could my hypothesis be correct?? Tomorrow will be Day 3 of drinking my Colon Blow beverage.. and I have had no repercussions from this so far.
Oh... and I am pretty sure I might have 1 or 2 of these this weekend.. because life is short.. and we all need to celebrate this very important day...especially with my Irish heritage...
No report this evening...
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Day 10
Was up this morning at 0500 hours so I could make my dentist appointment, I failed to eat breakfast due to lack of time.. and ended up taking my supplements on a partial empty stomach. WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!! I was praying I would not gag, dry heave on my poor dentist due to my upset stomach from failing to eat enough. This is the second day of the "colon blow cleanse" as well... I am not enjoying this part. I cannot stand the taste of the body cleanse formula... and probably will not do this again. Fortunately... no horrific GI stories to tell you.. but I am noticing this drink is making my stomach hurt the following day.
This leads me to the conversation I had last night with a dear good friend of mine from Southern California. She is wicked smart.. and I seriously thought about carrying a clip board when I am with her.. because she has such great ideas, thoughts, and has been my rock this past year. So anyway.. we were breaking down this cleanse, I was discussing with her how I felt... and what I have not felt by taking part in this. Is is possible.. that if a person is already in relatively good health.. and eats according to the RDA's. and American Heart Association guidelines... they may not experience the same euphoria as a person who started the cleanse in an "Inflammatory" state?? This is our hypothesis... and we are out to get answers...
I am on day 10.. and really not noticing anything to write home about. I still have another 20 days of this cleanse.. so maybe this "Euphoria" is going to happen in the next few weeks. Today.. I am eating the crap out of these.... I cannot get enough of them...and it's super healthy!!
Although I prefer to buy them from the farmers market.. where they are grown locally. I just noticed on the bag I have here.. they are from Mexico.. so that means they were on a truck with rodents.. and there could be potential hazards in this bag of English Peas. ALWAYS wash your produce... I cringe when I watch people eat grapes, and berries in the grocery store.. without washing them. If I could only draw a map... of what crawls over your produce.. how it is transported.. and how many people touch their hair and nose.. then touch all the produce in the grocery store.
I cannot get this out of my mind....
or this
This leads me to the conversation I had last night with a dear good friend of mine from Southern California. She is wicked smart.. and I seriously thought about carrying a clip board when I am with her.. because she has such great ideas, thoughts, and has been my rock this past year. So anyway.. we were breaking down this cleanse, I was discussing with her how I felt... and what I have not felt by taking part in this. Is is possible.. that if a person is already in relatively good health.. and eats according to the RDA's. and American Heart Association guidelines... they may not experience the same euphoria as a person who started the cleanse in an "Inflammatory" state?? This is our hypothesis... and we are out to get answers...
I am on day 10.. and really not noticing anything to write home about. I still have another 20 days of this cleanse.. so maybe this "Euphoria" is going to happen in the next few weeks. Today.. I am eating the crap out of these.... I cannot get enough of them...and it's super healthy!!
Although I prefer to buy them from the farmers market.. where they are grown locally. I just noticed on the bag I have here.. they are from Mexico.. so that means they were on a truck with rodents.. and there could be potential hazards in this bag of English Peas. ALWAYS wash your produce... I cringe when I watch people eat grapes, and berries in the grocery store.. without washing them. If I could only draw a map... of what crawls over your produce.. how it is transported.. and how many people touch their hair and nose.. then touch all the produce in the grocery store.
I cannot get this out of my mind....
or this
Monday, March 12, 2012
Day 9
Today I spent the entire day at a legislative health care conference in Sacramento. Attending conferences and work functions are difficult when you are on a cleanse. As it is usually impossible to find healthy food at these functions. And they had to set up a dessert bar right next to our expo table today... sure they did... I sat and looked at various desserts for 2 hours while I worked our booth. I am embarrassed to report I did not eat lunch.. and had a Butterscotch sucker (from See's Candy) on my drive home from Sacramento.
I decided to not to drink the "Colon Blow" supplement today... as there was NO WAY I wanted to be bothered with that stuff. Especially since I had to take part in a very important meeting today.
This past weekend while I was home.. I decided to look into Grass Fed Cows vs Grain Fed Cows. Since I have been eating grass fed beef with this cleanse. A few dramatic things I noticed.. is that the price of grass fed beef is about $2.00-3.00 more! Also the meat is a shade darker with less marbling in the meat. I grew up in the midwest and consumed mostly grain fed beef. A matter a fact my family consumed beef 6 days a week (everyone gasp).. in some form or another with either lunch or dinner. I recently read an article on CNN this is how they explained the debate: "The grass-fed cow, which eats from a pasture and is not "finished" on a diet of grains and supplements for rapid weight gain, is said by its promoters to be better for the planet (less energy goes into growing grass than grain); better for the beef eater (less overall fat, and more omega-3s and other "good" fats); and better for the cow (critics decry feedlot practices as inhumane"
Here is the rest of the article which is very interesting:
I then decided to watch this food documentary (love netflix)
This documentary was very informative and also discusses grass fed vs grain fed beef... and of course after I watched this I immediately called my father back in Nebraska to discuss. I have decided to let you all give your feedback on this... (via my comments section) as I do have an opinion on this matter but will keep that to myself for now... because there is a very good chance I will have this after my cleanse....
According to In-N-Out's website.. their beef is 100% pure beef with no fillers, additives or preservatives. I mean come on.. every celebrity out here visits this place regularly... (Paris Hilton often spotted here as well). So anyway... I thought this would be an interesting conversation ... and as the number of U.S. grass-fed beef producers is rising -- from 50 in 2002 to more than 2,000 today this is worth discussing. I enjoy red meat occasionally, and it plays a BIG part in my family gatherings.. such as with Roast Beef at Christmas, Hamburgers in the summer, Filet Mignon on the grill. My take home message tonight is that all foods fit when consumed in moderation.
I have decided to stop weighing myself EVERY day.. as it is suggested to only weigh yourself 2-3x per week... so I will update you on Thursday with my progress.
Mind, Body and Spirit: I am tired..and that is completely related to missing lunch due to my schedule today. My stomach also feels strange.. thanks to the colon blow drink I consumed yesterday... which by the way is not my favorite.
I decided to not to drink the "Colon Blow" supplement today... as there was NO WAY I wanted to be bothered with that stuff. Especially since I had to take part in a very important meeting today.
This past weekend while I was home.. I decided to look into Grass Fed Cows vs Grain Fed Cows. Since I have been eating grass fed beef with this cleanse. A few dramatic things I noticed.. is that the price of grass fed beef is about $2.00-3.00 more! Also the meat is a shade darker with less marbling in the meat. I grew up in the midwest and consumed mostly grain fed beef. A matter a fact my family consumed beef 6 days a week (everyone gasp).. in some form or another with either lunch or dinner. I recently read an article on CNN this is how they explained the debate: "The grass-fed cow, which eats from a pasture and is not "finished" on a diet of grains and supplements for rapid weight gain, is said by its promoters to be better for the planet (less energy goes into growing grass than grain); better for the beef eater (less overall fat, and more omega-3s and other "good" fats); and better for the cow (critics decry feedlot practices as inhumane"
Here is the rest of the article which is very interesting:
I then decided to watch this food documentary (love netflix)
This documentary was very informative and also discusses grass fed vs grain fed beef... and of course after I watched this I immediately called my father back in Nebraska to discuss. I have decided to let you all give your feedback on this... (via my comments section) as I do have an opinion on this matter but will keep that to myself for now... because there is a very good chance I will have this after my cleanse....
According to In-N-Out's website.. their beef is 100% pure beef with no fillers, additives or preservatives. I mean come on.. every celebrity out here visits this place regularly... (Paris Hilton often spotted here as well). So anyway... I thought this would be an interesting conversation ... and as the number of U.S. grass-fed beef producers is rising -- from 50 in 2002 to more than 2,000 today this is worth discussing. I enjoy red meat occasionally, and it plays a BIG part in my family gatherings.. such as with Roast Beef at Christmas, Hamburgers in the summer, Filet Mignon on the grill. My take home message tonight is that all foods fit when consumed in moderation.
I have decided to stop weighing myself EVERY day.. as it is suggested to only weigh yourself 2-3x per week... so I will update you on Thursday with my progress.
Mind, Body and Spirit: I am tired..and that is completely related to missing lunch due to my schedule today. My stomach also feels strange.. thanks to the colon blow drink I consumed yesterday... which by the way is not my favorite.
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