Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 8

Today is a BIG day... as this is the day I start the "Real" cleanse portion of this 28-Day Cleanse.  When I mean.. cleanse.... you know what I mean.   Today I incorporated another step... which includes mixing this 1 fl.oz bottle of FUN into my 32 oz of water.   This is the week I have been most worried about.. as I am not sure how this "Fun" bottle of stuff will affect me.  I have researched, interviewed several people who have been through this portion of the cleanse.. and most of them reported no horrific side effects. Some of the reports have been:  Alot of gurgling... rumbling, and need to go more than the average Joe.   This is for only 7 days.. that I will do this.. but it is recommended that I do it every other day for 7-10 days.  Keep in mind I am a full time commuter these days... my commute includes train stations, shuttles, alot of waking.. and no clean restrooms.    I have a feeling there will be alot of Hail Mary's this week. Here is a great illustration of what will be going on in my liver.. and lower GI...

So I know it takes 21 days to form a solid habit.. but I have my own routine down now that seems to be working with my starts like this....
One Cup of detox tea in my "Nebraska" cup (Yes.. I might be one of those people who purchases stuff at the Omaha airport gift shop)  But I love the Nebraska coffee cups in the gift shop.. for real.   Breakfast has been hard lately as I usually love to have "Food" for breakfast... so this morning I had time to just sit and enjoy a breakfast.. so I had this:
 on my
It was heaven... tasted good!   Udi's and Rudis... both have done a marvelous job making gluten free bread taste really, really good.   Coconut oil has a high smoke point.. which makes it ideal for cooking.  You have also probably heard alot about it recently.  I attended a workshop last year and sat with a pediatrician from the Bay area.. and she reported they have been recommending coconut oil and creams to their patients.   There is approx 11g fat per Tablespoon.. and 100kcal's.. so keep that in mind.  If there is one take home message I can tell you today.. is throw away your margarine... start there. 


Weight: down 2# (clothes feel slightly loose?  or maybe that is what we call a placebo affect)

Mind, Body and Soul:  No exhaustion...feel pretty good.  But definitely not infomercial ready yet.

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