Saturday, May 19, 2012

Jumping for Juice?

During my cleanse (seems like years ago) I was spending a great deal of time at home.  It was easier to stay away from tempting food and mixed drinks and wine if I just stayed home and prepared my own food.  During this time I spent a great deal of time utilizing my Netflix membership.. which I always forget about, and decided to watch a documentary from 2010 "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" which hailed a 60-day juice fast as the ultimate path to health.   After I finished watching this I was compelled to look all this up.. and get a grasp on it. 

First off.. we all know that fruit and vegetable intake has increased health benefits.  BUT.. there is limited research and clinical evidence on the effect of juice and powdered juice on human health.  The research then becomes almost non-existent on fasts and cleanses.  (Oh come on..?)

Okay.. Simma down now all your juicers, and wanna-be juicers (like myself).  If you feel like this has been a cure all for you and is working, and your not losing your hair, nails and noticed any strange skin abnormalities (vitamin deficiency)... then cheers.. carry on.  But I am just going to point out that Some juice-only diets severely restrict calories and may lack protein which would make it hard for you to maintain muscle mass (good luck with your work out.. just sayin).  Other potential nutrient deficiencies include fat soluble vitamins such as D & E, and B vitamins (especially if the pulp is strained out of the juice).  Keep in mind that juicing can also lead to weight gain if you have not changed any other factors in your diet such as activity and diet.

You know I am going to also mention that you should ALWAYS wash your fruits and vegetables before juicing. (Seriously.. you should always do this)  Most importantly remember your juice can also develop harmful bacteria quickly so only make enough so you can drink immediately. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends only pasteurized juice for infants and children to protect them against E.Coli, Salmonella and Cryptosporidium organisms. 

When I was down in Newport Beach I begged politely asked my friend if we could go to Mother's Market.  It is the "Mothers" of all food and health market's!! 
Taken from Mother's Website
Before entering the store.. my friend gave me a friendly background on the store and how it started.  But one area of the store that seemed slightly busier than the other.. was this particular spot..
Mother's Juice Bar
Just walking by this made me want to have every fruit and vegetable juiced and consumed and maybe do a few push-ups in front of the counter afterwards.   So of course this Registered Dietitian is just as excited as you all are to try new and exciting things.  I decided to leave you with a "Beginners' Green Juice" for you to try:

2 Cups of Kale
1 Cup of Spinach
1 Cucumber
2 Celery Stalks
1/2 Green Apple, stem and core removed, skin on
1/2 Lemon Peeled

If you NEVER consume fruits or vegetables EVER.. maybe stay close to home after drinking this the first time.. or if you have to be out and about.. be on high alert :)  

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