via Pinterest
I love this old "retro" sign for the local meat butcher in this undisclosed town. I actually love to visit local butchers and peruse the meat counter for different cuts of meat, and generally learn something new every time.
Alot of people are now purchasing organic meats which tend to cost more, but consumers are finding that organic meat will limit their exposure to antibiotics and growth hormones which unfortunately are used in livestock these days. I was CLUELESS about cuts of meat and which was better for you until I arrived at graduate school and was a teaching assistant for a foods lab and actually was in charge of purchasing various cuts of meat for the students culinary projects.
A couple things to keep in mind when shopping:
1) Beef: Some of the best cuts to keep your fat to protein ratio in line would be Eye, top and bottom round; sirloin; flank steak and 90-95 percent lean ground beef.
2) Poultry: Best buy would be skinless chicken thighs and turkey legs, according to Matthew Kadey MS, RD. A 3 oz thigh contains 18 grams of protein and 3 grams of fat. Just one more gram than breast meat. Keep in mind to remove the skin to shave off the fat grams :) Try to avoid ground turkey (ground with skin can have as much fat as ground beef) or enhanced chicken breast (which tends to be injected with saltwater and can pack on the sodium content).
3) Pork: A good choice would be pork tenderloin; boneless pork loin chops. Also try to avoid those meat that are premarinated, which tend to add on more sodium.
Also consider Canadian bacon which 1oz of this lean cut contains about a third of the calories of regular bacon and 10-11 fewer grams of fat!! Wow!!!
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