via Fitsugar
Everyone has been on a diet in some point in their life. There is also that point when all that calorie counting and endless exercising is providing no results. I recall during my 30 day challenge there was a point I was not losing weight or noticing any results. One of those reasons was because of this....
1) I was eating "boatloads" of nuts, avocados, and incorporating too many oils. Nuts, avocados, and olive oils are good for you... but keep in mind they do contain calories, and FAT.. so try to really stick to the recommended serving sizes.. and reap the benefits of these "good" fats. For example, try eating half an avocado, and portion out your almonds and nuts to the recommended serving size of 1 oz if you can. I was throwing them down like candy on the other hand.. and paying for it.
2) The biggest problem these days with most people is that they skip breakfast. This is really a bad idea. I could write a book on why it is important to eat breakfast... but you all know why you should and this is not ground breaking information. There have been numerous studies on the benefits of breakfast and weight loss. So if you currently skip breakfast... good luck getting in shape and keeping the weight off.
3) Practice Safe Portion Control! If you need to.. keep measuring cups, spoons, or bowls handy to check yourself before you wreck yourself (in the words of a famous rapper "Ice Cube"). Also.. do not eat standing up... this is also a bad move it will usually lead to mindless eating as shown below.
4) Let's face it... you need to sleep. Try to force yourself to be in bed by 9:00 or 10:00 every night. I can back this statement up with studies as well. If you are going to be working out more.. and getting that heart rate up... than start exercising. You can thank me later.
5) According to my favorite website as simple as slicing up your dinner can be helpful for your overeating woes. Cutting food into tiny pieces may seem slightly childish, but studies show that humans find smaller portions more satisfying and, as a result, are satisfied with less. Also consider purchasing small plates.. such as tappas plates. Check these out
6) Try and partner up with someone who thinks like you do.. and is also trying to eat healthy.. and take on more of a healthier lifestyle. When you have a support team.. you will stay motivated.. and maybe also eager to lose more weight and get healthy. Beware of those trying to sabotage you also..
7) Lastly... maybe you are not eating enough? If that is the case.. you are probably messing with your metabolism.. and now we have a "yo yo dieter", or you are snacking more now. Try to stay consistent.. and avoid very low calorie diets if you want to see results in the long run.
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