Okay, maybe this picture is not completely appropriate for this post... but it seriously sends me into hysterics thinking about this kid (Randy) eating for his mom in the classic movie "The Christmas Story". I often joke with my girlfriends about eating my birthday cake like this sometime in my life.. of course in a private location... as if this picture leaked of me eating like this.. I would probably lose my license to educate my clients and patients on a healthy lifestyle. But the purpose of this blog is to educate while also letting people know.. that it is okay to have fun and enjoy food. I know I promised that I was going to blog about "Relearning How to Eat"... well I have decided to post that later this week.
I have been eagerly awaiting to post about this next experience I had at a workshop a few years back that seriously changed (my life) and my outlook on food. I actually feel like my posts all are starting to mirror my workshop experiences... but I have been so lucky to attend some of the best workshops and seminars living out here in California, and hope to continue doing so in the years ahead. I come out of these workshops like a 5 year old coming out of Chucky Cheese... I am so excited to tell everyone what I learned, and when one of my favorite authors, shows up... I do one of these...
The workshop I attended in San Francisco a few years back was Field to Plate by Amanda Archibald, Registered Dietitian. I experienced food in a way that no 4 year degree (plus graduate) ever prepared me for. I loved the concept of a hands-on culinary-nutrition workshop, and building a culinary-nutrition bridge between the science, and the art of customizing ingredients and food to the menu and individual plate (taken from the website). Do you recall my post a few days back about my culinary skills (oh dear lord).. and desire to learn. My dream is to spend a day with these ladies.see below.. (No idea who they are.. but I bet they know how to cook)... I found them when I googled "ladies cooking in church basement". I hope they don't mind...
Well.. it was after this workshop that I realized how food brings all of us together.. and how much I am really missing out on the beauty of flavor and getting to understand how food nourishes the soul. I plan to attend her workshop again.. and maybe again...check out this website as well... http://www.foodandculinaryguidance.com/
One example from the workshop.. was the "flight of flavors" where we were blindfolded (in a good way)... and instructed to taste different olive oils....learn how each one was processed.. discover the difference between GOOD and BAD oils... we also would eat various fruits and vegetables.. while also learning a great deal about our palates by using a q-tip and swabbing the tongue in the various sensory locations..it was interesting to see how we all tasted food differently....
P.S. Did anyone check out the article this month in Runner's World by Scott Jurek "Eat Vegan & Run".... oh I am loving it. I absolutely love the nutrition tidbits out of this magazine. Once again.. I am not a vegan, but just like to read about it, know about it..and educate clients when necessary about it. I am also not a long distance runner.. but enjoy reading about it....yep. I will stick to my 5K's for now.. as I like to talk to people when I run (usually in very incomplete sentences.. as I can hardly breath nor or less talk when I run) Did I mention I will be
It will be a miracle if we even finish 2 miles... (Cinco De Mayo happens to be that weekend)
By the way... Bok Choy is in season....
One cup of Bok Choy only contains 9 kcal's and more than half your daily needs for Vitamin A & C, and research shows it may prevent some cancers. I prefer it brushed with olive oil.. and sauteed or in stir-fry. Thanks Runner's World... for promoting my favorite cabbage.
Alright.... thanks for reading.. I will be back this week with more.
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