Saturday, April 14, 2012

Review the Cleanse...

I came across this article in my local magazine that is published monthly here in the Diablo Valley.  I love that the 28 Day Cleanse (brand not mentioned) was reviewed by both the participant and a local Dietitian here in the East Bay.   I like the last paragraph by the writer... as I agree with her findings.  I also enjoyed the Dietitian's perspective as well....

During my cleanse I faced more feedback from my colleagues than I did family.  This was expected.. as I seriously have the smartest group of Dietitian friends.  These girls know their stuff...  I mean seriously.. who spends an hour talking about protein synthesis?  We do.....

Since I completed the cleanse I have been able to maintain my weight.. with even another 2-3 pound weight loss.   I will say the one item that I still cannot tolerate as much.. is coffee.   How disappointing.  I also find alcohol to make me feel horrible after consumption.  I recently read (on twitter) that drinking 2 glasses of wine can disrupt your sleep so much it would be equivalent to staying awake for 17 hours!  I may need a reference on that... but sounds about right as I had 2 glasses of wine last night after work..and I woke up every hour.  

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