Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Smoothie Operator....

I spend ALOT of time on twitter, and reading health related blogs during my commute everyday. One person that I absolutely love to follow is this guy... who I have mentioned before in a previous blog.  I have been really thinking about juicing vs. blending the past few months.. and I think this short 1 minute blurb pretty much answers my question... in a round about way.

According to, there is no sound scientific evidence that extracted juices are better for you than eating the fruit or vegetable itself. Juicing can be used as a tool to get more fruits and vegetables in your diet, though, so to that end it is beneficial if you don't normally eat whole veggies. One of the benefits of both vegetable juicing and vegetable blending is that you can mix in vegetables that you would not ordinarily eat alone.
I contemplated buying a juicer... but then decided to stay with my friendly little blender I purchased.. and get the most from my fruits and vegetables that I can.   I love blending, mixing.. and coming up with new ideas for my smoothies.   If you prefer to juice.. that is great!  I know alot of people who juice and enjoy it.  Beats the heck out of store bought juice....

I just found this smoothie recipe on one of my favorite blogs I follow..

Strawberry Mango Green Smoothie:

  • 2 bananas
  • 1 10 ounce bag of frozen strawberries
  • 1 10 ounce bag of frozen mangoes
  • 2 large handfuls of baby spinach
  • 1.5 cups Almond Milk –
  • 2 droppers full of Vanilla Stevia (Optional)
This will make about 64oz.. so I recommend cutting the recipe in half.. or more.   I actually add protein powder to mine (Vegan protein powder)  to keep me satisfied longer. 

Today is my BFF's Birthday... she is a personal trainer in the Denver area... so in her honor I am now going to proceed to the floor and do a plank for 1 minute.

.. as this is going to be my new nightly routine...

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