Sunday, December 9, 2012

Going Old School....

Remember this workout?

Yep.. I have been working out to Denise Austin's old fitness videos which are still being played on the Altitude channel.   One thing I like about these old videos.. is that they were usually 30 minutes or less and you still sweat and feel like you had a workout.  Denise Austin claims she merely works out for only 30 minutes a day as well and takes careful consideration in her diet.  I also like to follow Denise on Facebook, as she is such an inspiration for all of us to get fit.. and stay fit at any age.   She just came out with a new book which I plan to order and order. 

Another work-out DVD I love to work-out to is this...

Billy Blanks is my favorite... as his videos are short and sweet as well.. and you still find yourself tired at the end. 

I have essentially turned my living room into an aerobics studio during these cold months ahead..

By the way.. this is NOT me.. but I look like this in my living room

So what are your favorite work-out DVD's??

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Yogurt has come a long way over the years... and definitely is high on most Americans grocery lists these days.  Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, with one 5oz carton providing well over a quarter of the minimum daily requirement. 

When shopping for yogurt check the label and look for these things: (based on a 6oz serving)
  • Less than 180 calories.  if your following a lower caloric diet then 120 calories is preferred.
  • Less than 4 grams of fat. A yogurt made with whole milk will contain 7-9 grams of fat; a low -fat yogurt contains 2-4 grams, and a non-fat variety has 0 grams fat.
  • Less than 30 grams of sugar. (Yikes.. I would say less than that!!)  Keep in mind that the milk used to make yogurt naturally contains about 12 grams of milk sugar per 6-ounce serving. These naturally occurring sugars are grouped with the added sugars when you read the nutrition facts label for "Sugars." If you prefer "natural" sweeteners (honey, maple syrup, etc.), sugar substitutes, sugar alcohols, or standard sweeteners like regular sugar or high fructose corn syrup, you will have to read the Ingredients list to find out which type(s) of added sweetener your yogurt contains.
  • At least 5 grams of protein.
  • At least 20% of your daily value (DV) of calcium.
  • At least 10% of your daily value (DV) of vitamin D. Some yogurts are fortified with vitamin D 
Many health problems start in the gut, but yogurt contains a magic ingredient that can help prevent these problems..
  • Probiotics are the “good” bacteria that help promote a healthy digestive system. Two specific cultures known as Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus are used to make all yogurts. The National Yogurt Association (NYA) developed a “Live and Active Cultures” seal to identify a yogurt that contains 100 million cultures per gram at the time of manufacturing. (per Yogurt companies must pay several thousand dollars each year to use this seal on their products. Smaller yogurt companies may not participate due to the high cost of using the seal, even though they may contain live and active cultures. These days, several yogurt companies are now putting additional probiotics and cultures (such as Bifidobacterium BB-12) into their yogurts and making claims regarding immunity and digestive health. These cultures are safe for consumption and some research shows that they may improve the health of the immune and digestive systems. Also another point to keep in mind is that if you are on antibiotics, try to eat a carton of yogurt each day.  Unfortunately antibiotics kill all bugs (good and bad) but yogurt replaces the bacteria your body needs and also helps prevent the diarrhea caused by sterilizing the gut. 
So now that you have the facts Jack.. get out there and stock your refrig with some yogurt!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Words to live by....

This photo says it all... every now and then we need to leave our comfort zone.  Trust me.. you will not regret it...

Building Your Board of Directors

Something I have discovered over the past few years... is that everyone has a life compass that will direct their life in many directions.  You can choose to follow that compass... or ignore it. I decided to follow the life compass and base my decisions on intuition this past year.  My gut has proven to be right in many situations over the years.. so I am going with it from here on out.   Many big companies form a board of directors to lead them to success and financial gain.  I decided why couldn't I form my own Life Board of Directors? 

I have a unique group of friends and family on my board which consist of;  a personal trainer, lawyer, physician assistant, life coach, dietitian(s), and a cousin who serves as my financial planner.  When you are compiling your "Life Board of Directors" you do not necessarily have to pick your closest friends, but these peeps must be close enough you can confide in.  I assembled my team "Team Kim" over this past year and consulted with them on my move to Denver and also with my finances and job.  

I would meet with various members of my board at least once a week via phone or face to face. It is amazing how these meetings can keep you on track with your goals or ideas.  According to an blog entry I read recently on John Kapeleris Journal (see below)

Many successful people establish their own personal “Board of Directors” by identifying key individuals who can assist them in specific areas of focus.   If you need a business mentor or adviser you proceed by identifying and choosing someone who has had considerable success and achievement in business. Finding the right mentor or business coach can have a significant affect on your life. A mentor can teach and guide you through your life journey and can be one of the best ways to achieve personal success. Mentors can also accelerate your learning curve by providing the knowledge to fill the gap of “What you don’t know you don’t know“. For example, a business mentor can provide you with the tools and resources to grow your business or to teach you the strategies and processes (tricks of the trade) for a new business opportunity.

I also meet with a few of these board members for a yearly retreat in the mountains to reflect, discover, and maybe have a few drinks to toast our accomplishments over the past year.  This has now became a  yearly tradition.

And sticking our feet in the frigid spiritual waters...(supposedly the water will bring good health and well being per the locals)

Set your compass... form your team.. and let life lead you....

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Giving Thanks

With the holidays approaching everyone is scrambling to their nearest grocery store for last minute ingredients, table settings, beverages, and prozac to calm the nerves.

Here is scene from what my holiday meal will look like.. because we have opted to eat out this year as it will be easier.. and less stress.

Do you have a traditional plate that your family consistently serves at each Thanksgiving meal?? 

One of my favorite that comes to mind is Green Bean Casserole.  I discovered a healthier version to save your waistline...
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Bobby Dean (via the Cooking Channel)

Nonstick cooking spray, for greasing
5 cups sliced green beans
4-1/4 cups low-sodium chicken broth
1 cup panko breadcrumbs
1 cup grated Parmesan
1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons canola oil
1-1/2 cups diced onions
2 cups sliced baby bella mushrooms
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 cup water
1/2 cup reduced-fat sour cream
1/2 teaspoon House Seasoning, recipe follows
1/2 teaspoon salt
For house seasoning:
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Spray a 1-1/2-quart baking dish with nonstick spray.
  2. Boil the green beans in the chicken broth for about 20 minutes, and then drain, reserving 1-1/2 cups of the chicken broth.
  3. Meanwhile, mix together the breadcrumbs, Parmesan, and 2 teaspoons of the oil in a small bowl. Set aside.
  4. Heat the remaining 1 tablespoon oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Saute the onions until translucent, 2 to 3 minutes, and then add the mushrooms and continue to cook for 3 to 4 minutes longer. Remove from the heat.
  5. Pour the reserved 1-1/2 cups chicken broth back into the pot that the green beans boiled in, and bring to a boil. Add the green beans to the skillet with the mushrooms and onions.
  6. While that is coming to a boil, combine the cornstarch and 1/4 cup water in a small bowl to make a slurry. Slowly pour the slurry into the boiling broth, whisking constantly as it thickens, about 2 minutes.
  7. Pour the thickened mixture over the green beans, mushrooms, and onions. Add the sour cream, house seasoning, and salt. Stir well.
  8. Pour into the baking dish and sprinkle with the panko-and-cheese mixture. Bake until the casserole is hot, about 10 minutes, and then broil until the breadcrumb topping is slightly browned, 1 to 2 minutes.
Serves 6.

Here is another one of my favorite....Brussel Sprouts
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(via Recipezaar)

1 stalk of brussels sprouts (or about two pounds of sprouts)
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/4 cup finely grated Parmesean cheese
Kosher salt and fresh pepper, to taste
  1. Preheat oven to 375ºF. Remove brussels sprouts off the stem, wash well, and rip off outside leaves. Cut each sprout in half.
  2. Place brussels sprouts in roasting pan, and coat evenly with olive oil and vinegar. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Roast for 20 minutes, stirring brussels sprouts occasionally.
  4. Once 20 minutes has passed, add the chopped walnuts to the roasting pan, and cook for an additional five minutes.
  5. Remove from the oven, and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Serve warm.
Serves 6.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone....

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

California Dreaming

When I think of California.. I think of this....
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Yep.. I think of the Artichoke.  I never really experienced this fun filled vegetable until about 8 years ago.  I was living in the Silicon Valley.. and frequented this restaurant in Los Altos, CA called the Los Altos Grill.  Did you know that 100% of our Artichoke crop is from California (Monterey County to be exact).  They hold an annual festival every year... to honor the Artichoke.

This was my favorite place to dine during my time living in the South Bay.  They were known for their grilled artichoke dish.  Oh.. how I miss this place :(
Artichokes are known to be good for liver and gall-bladder problems, gout, arthritis, and rheumatism. They also have been able to lower cholesterol and have a diuretic effect.  Herbalists have traditionally used extracts of artichoke to treat high blood pressure.  Together with it's diuretic properties, the artichoke is a cleanser and detoxifier, according to herbalists.

One can get the best effect if eaten raw very small amounts...(suggest fresh baby artichokes)... a large globe artichoke should be boiled and eaten hot or cold. 

Here is a great recipe for a Grilled Artichoke....taken from a blog
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Grilled Artichokes with Garlic and Romano Cheese4 large artichokes
3 cloves minced garlic
Romano cheese
Olive oil
Kosher Salt

Fresh lemon

To prep the artichoke:
With a vegetable peeler, trim off just a little of the outside stem. Now you need to trim the outer leaves. It’s easiest to do this with a pair of kitchen scissors. Just cut off a little over half the hard outer leaves with the stem on it, leaving just a little under half on the choke. Quarter the artichokes, leaving the stem intact. Place them in a large pot of boiling water. Don’t get a roaring boil going, just a gentle boil. Boil under tender. Don’t let them get really soft or they will fall apart on the grill, you just want them tender enough so a toothpick can be easily inserted. It took about 15 for mine to get tender. Drain in a colander and rinse with cool water to stop the cooking process. Once the artichokes are cool enough to handle, you need to clean out the choke.

To clean the artichoke:

With a small paring knife remove the fuzzy choke part and the some of the inner leaves. You will be able to feel the ones that need to come out. They are a little prickly. Now you are ready to put on the garlic and cheese and get them ready for the grill.

I took a big bowl and tossed all the artichokes in olive oil. You don't want to drench them, just give them a nice coating. Next I mixed the chopped garlic and Romano cheese together, then I just opened the leaves a little and sprinkled some in each one. Sprinkle some Kosher salt over each one then grill until the cheese gets crusty and brown. You will need to turn them a few times while they cook. Drizzle with lemon when they come off the grill.

Eating the artichoke:

To eat them I just pull off the outer leaves and scrape the bottoms with my teeth and then I eat the stem and heart (my absolute favorite part).

These are great served as an appetizer while thinking of California...ahhhhhhh.

I took this picture in Napa Valley on one beautiful Sunday wine tasting.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Lemon Love...

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via stylemepretty

I am absolutely in love with lemons lately.. I add them to my water, my food, my tea, and especially now that I am on the brink of a cold.  Traditionally, lemons have always been used for infections (respiratory).  My mom used take hot water, lemon and honey and heat it up and give it to my brother and I at night to keep us from coughing all night. 

Lemons have been known to:
1.  Boosting the immune system (Great source of Vitamin C)
2.  Helpful for digestive problems, mouth ulcers, and gum problems
3.  Best if eaten fresh
4.  Great for skin care
5.  Might.. and I say it might... help with weight loss?  hmmmm? worth a try?

Lemons powerful antibacterial activity makes it first choice as a gargle or mouthwash for sore throats, mouth ulcers and gingivitis. 

Here is another great idea
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Hot glass of Lemon water with Ginger and Stevia.

You’ll need:
  • 1/2 inch knob of ginger sliced thinly or grated
  • lemon
  • Stevia to taste
Simply pour boiling water over the ginger, let steep for about 5mins then add lemon juice and stevia to taste. (thanks to for this)

Can also be used for cleaning...
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Thank you Lemon for your Love.......

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Healthy Holiday Eating..

The holiday season is upon us.. and the smell of turkey and pie in the oven is just too much for one to resist.  The holiday season is such a challenging time for all of us.. especially if you are watching your waste line and doing so well with your diet.  There are several things that you can do before heading over to grandma's house and going wild on the appetizers and main entree.

1.  Eat before you go:   IF you can, I would eat a light healthy snack such as cut up fruits and veggies, hummus dip, maybe a smoothie or salad.  This will help fill you up a bit so you are not ravenous when you arrive. 

2.  Bring a healthy appetizer and main entree dish (just in case):  Be prepared that there will probably be some not-so-nutritious snacks and entrees at the main meal.  So I would have a back-up plan just in case.  Maybe make some yummy fruit dips, dark chocolate to keep the sweet tooth at bay.  Here are some great ideas from the blog 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet:

1. Turkey and Cheese Roll Ups

These snacks are a great source of protein and make for a nice deviation from all of the sugary treats sure to be present throughout the season. Purchase some turkey deli meat and some thinly sliced low fat cheese, such as Swiss. Roll a slice of turkey and a slice of cheese together, then cut the roll into thirds or fourths and place a toothpick in each piece. Eat a few of these filling snacks and it’ll be easier to pass up that second cookie.

2. Hummus, Pita Chip and Vegetable Tray

Skip the mayonnaise-based dips and opt for hummus instead. While still high in fat content, hummus is high in fiber and protein. It tastes great with pita chips and is an especially effective snack when consumed on vegetables like carrot and celery sticks. You can make your own or purchase some in the store. For simplicity’s sake, buy a small container of hummus.

4. Dark Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

It’s no wonder this snack is always mentioned as a healthy option for a dessert treat in fitness magazines and health cookbooks. Strawberries are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants. They’re sweet enough to eat on their own, but around the holidays there’s no shame in dipping them in some dark chocolate for an extra tasty treat. Melt some dark chocolate in a pan over the stove (this will work best if you place the pan with the chocolate within a pot of boiling water). Dip the strawberries in, and then place them on some wax paper in the fridge to harden for several hours.
The best strategy for snacking in the holiday season is to make you calories count. Make sure whatever you eat has at lease some nutritional value.

3.  Healthy snacks for the road or while in the air:
Consider packing healthy bars, crackers, and nuts in a tupperware container.  Or consider these portion control bowls

Or if you are driving.. bring a cooler full of healthy drinks and sandwiches.  This way you will not have to stop through the old drive-thru at your favorite fast food joint or rely on a gas station with high calorie over processed snacks. 

4.  Keep exercising.. bring work-out gear for your stay at Grandma's:

or if you are like me.. take advantage of running on a country road

5. Get centered and prepare.....

So you know that there will be green bean casserole with a zillion calories, mashed potatoes made with heavy whipping cream.  Just know that this will be a very tempting time to stick your face right in that plate.

Prepare in your mind days before how you are going to fight temptation, maybe wear uncomfortable clothing.. so you will no-way be able to expand your pants.

Keep reminding yourself how good you will feel when you leave your holiday party if you go easy on the high calories food.  No GI distress, and you will most likely sleep better.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Shake it up.....

I bet I have tried almost every protein powder in the book... and have wasted endless money along the way. It was not up until this past year I attended a workshop regarding "Healthy Living, and Detoxifying Your Life" and was introduced to Arbonne's line of protein powders.  I had no idea that Arbonne even had a nutritional line.  The only thing that I do know.. is that their make-up and skin care line is awesome.  One thing that set's Arbonne's products aside from the rest.. is that their protein powders are gluten and dairy free...  20 grams of vegan protein, plus 20 essential vitamins and minerals per serving.  The taste is also magnificent.....
I have developed several different smoothie concoctions so that I will never get bored of these. 

My favorite ingredient I like to add to my smoothie is this:

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and this...
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Flax Seed (ground up of course)...

I also like to add almond milk just because...
And then I throw in any of my favorite fruits and vegetables...

The great thing about my protein powder is that it contains pea protein isolate, cranberry protein, rice protein and only 160kcal's/20 grams of protein per servings.. oh.. and no artificial sweetners.   It also fills me up for hours....and I feel good after drinking it.

Alot of people rely on shakes to lose weight... here is a great answer to that question from Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. who writes for the Mayo Clinic blog ( I really like her answer to this question...

I'm trying to lose weight. Could protein shakes help?

Here is her answer....

Manufacturers of protein shakes may claim that their products help decrease body fat or promote weight loss, but protein shakes aren't a magic bullet for weight loss.
Replacing certain meals with protein shakes may help you reduce your daily calories, which can help you lose weight. If you rely on protein shakes to replace regular meals, however, you'll miss out on the nutritional benefits of whole foods. And since protein contains calories, consuming too much protein can actually make losing weight more difficult — especially if you drink protein shakes in addition to your usual diet.
The average adult needs 46 to 56 grams of protein a day, depending on weight and overall health. As long as you're eating a healthy diet, adding extra protein — either through protein shakes or other sources — isn't necessary.
Remember, the key to losing weight is burning more calories than you consume. Choose healthy foods — such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean sources of protein — and include physical activity in your daily routine.

Katherine makes a great point about adding extra protein.  If you eat a healthy diet you wouldn't neccessarily need the additional protein and calories... although in some cases.. this is an excellent way to get your protein, fruits, and vegetable servings.. if you are a poor eater and skip meals. 

Don't forget to breath this week....
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Disclaimer: I am by no means getting compensated for these statements regarding Arbonne's products.. I simply am a very satisfied customer :)  and also very adamant about products not being tested on animals. If you would like to know more about Arbonne.. feel free to contact me... as I have researched a great deal of their nutritionals.. and tried them.   


Monday, October 29, 2012

Foods that fight the flu

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It's that season again.. and we are all seeking shelter from the flu and germ bug.  There are several things you can do to ward off the flu besides washing your hands 300x a day, and wearing a mask.
The most important thing you can do this season is get your diet in order, and exercise to get your immune system on the right path.  There are also certain foods as well you can incorporate in your diet to keep the flu at bay.

Here is a quick list of foods that may jump start your immune system...

1.  Whole Wheat:  It is full of zinc (which is super vital in maintaining a healthy immune system).
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 2.  Bananas:  These yellow friends contain vitamin B6, which has been known to help fight infection. 
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3.  Sweet Potatoes:  These guys are full of vitamin A, which our body needs to make enough white blood cells to fight off infections.

4.  Garlic:  Not only will you scare off your friends.. but you will be zapping off viruses and keeping infections away.  I suggest crushing it and adding it to your salad or guacamole.
garlic powder, cooking garlic, drying garlic

5.  Tea:  A group of researchers at Harvard found that by drinking five cups of black tea a day QUADRUPLED the body's immune defense system after two weeks.  This is is some serious stuff!
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6.  Yogurt:  It is those probiotics and prebiotics that keep disease causing germs out.  Look for the live and active cultures especially.

7.  Dark Chocolate:  According to the British Journal of Nutrition.. this sweet stuff will boost your immune system in high doses (of cocoa). 
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8. Almonds:  These heart healthy friends have a immune boosting vitamin E, which can possibly reduce your chance of catching a cold or respiratory infection. 

Lastly.. get outside and stay active if you can.  Fresh air will do you good and get you out of the office and home which usually crawl with germs. 

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Do It For Fun

I have became a huge fan of the blog "Zenhabits" over the past year.  This recent post by Leo Bauta really hit me this past week.  His post reminds me so much of my friend Karen back in California who has such a positive attitude and also really knows how to have fun at the same time.  She has picked me up a million times, celebrated birthdays with me.. and I consider myself blessed not having to pay money for a life coach or therapist over the past few years because I had Karen. We used to work together in an account that was probably the most difficult account we have both ever faced in our work career. (a matter a fact I cried in my car one morning it was so hard).   We both decided in order to survive our time in this account we would need to laugh and make it fun. We did that.. and maybe a little too much. We now look back on this experience and still laugh.   Karen gives the best advice and support.  A matter a fact I went to her first before I decided to get up and move away from California.  This was a BIG decision and I wanted to know I was doing the right thing at the right time.  Who knows.. maybe one day I will return to California?  But for now I am going to enjoy the Rocky Mountains and fresh air and have FUN.

Celebrating my Birthday at True Foods Kitchen by the firepit in Newport Beach, CA.  Karen and I tried everything on the menu and took pictures, tried all the drinks, met new friends, and laughed quite hard that night. 

Not to Mention...
It was a Supermoon that night as well.

Here is the post.... on just doing it for fun...

Post written by Leo Babauta. (Taken from
Just about everything I do is just for fun.
While some people like to focus on being disciplined and achieving goals and sticking to their plans, I find this to be meaningless. What’s the point? You’ll fail about a third to half the time, and then feel like a failure for not being disciplined or sticking to a plan or goal.
In contrast, if you do the exact same thing, but let go of the expectation you’ve set for yourself and just have fun doing it, it’s a complete success.
Let’s repeat that for emphasis: if you do the exact same thing, it’s a failure if you have expectations, but a complete and absolute success if you let go of the expectations and do it for fun.
Let’s take a few examples:
  • If you set out on a really tough 3-day hike through some mountains, and make it through the first day and night but get too tired in the middle of the second day, is that a failure? It is if you are mad at yourself for not getting to the end, for not being disciplined. It’s a success, though, if you decided at the beginning to do it “just for fun” and had a great time while you were doing it.
  • If you start writing a book but only get about halfway through, is that a success or failure? It’s a failure if you expected to get finished and are disappointed in yourself for not sticking it through to the goal. It’s a success if you decided to do it for fun and had a wonderful time writing.
  • If you start an online venture and it doesn’t take off and you have to call it quits after a year — is that a failure? Well, by now you know the answer. Have fun doing it, and it’s always a success.
If you go for a walk, a run, a hike, do it for fun, not for the benefits you might get. Do experiments in your life for fun, not for the results. Wake up each day and do something for fun, not to accomplish something. Every waking moment should be just for fun.
It shifts everything. It doesn’t only determine whether something’s a success or failure — it changes your attitude while you do anything, while you’re talking with someone or reading or watching something. Your mood lifts, you are kinder to others, you have a smile on your face.
Do handstands. Dance. Bound up a hill. Sing with your child. Write something with a light and lifted heart. Be love, and compassion, and joy. Live life just for fun.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Going for the Goal

I recently decided I needed to implement a goal in my life... I really was not sure what this goal might be or entail?  But after this past weekend I decided I wanted to focus on my health.. and I mean.. get back on the horse and eat like I preach.  I recently read in Women's Health Magazine that consuming up to 7 servings of fruits and vegetables will lead you to be more happy.  They also had research to back this up... and it is the truth.  Eating healthy will not only boost your mood.. but it will improve your overall health and boost the immune system.  While I was commuting via train back in San Francisco.. I would touch everything known to mankind on that train
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.. including the dirty ticket kiosk. During this time frame of my job.. I made a big change to my diet.. and low and behold.. I NEVER once picked up a cold, the flu, or a virus of some kind.  

I am kind of freaky into numerology... and I have always felt that I needed to complete 3 half-marathons in my life then I would retire from running completely.  Not sure what it is about the number 3... but I have to do this.  I went on and looked up half-marathons on May 5, 2013.  Cinco De Mayo happens to be my birthday.. and I thought this would be the perfect birthday gift to myself.  Here are the races I am considering signing up for...

Orange County Half-Marathon in New Port Beach, California
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The Avenue of  Giants in the Redwoods of Northern California
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The Lincoln Half-Marathon in Lincoln, Nebraska... I always wanted to finish a race in Memorial Stadium  (My Alma Mater)
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Divas Half Marathon in San Francisco, CA
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Nike Womens Half Marathon/San Francisco

NWM 2012. This is happening.
I might also throw my name in the lottery for this race... it would be my THIRD time running it.  I think I really want this opportunity again... it is an AMAZING race. 

So I have started up the Couch to 5K program AGAIN.. and will build up my mileage from scratch and hope to be ready by May.  I think living in this mile high city gives me a little edge in my training.   So here we go....
Here is a glimpse of the training for the next 10 weeks.. I will also include spinning class on Monday nights, and mix it up with Pilate's to build my non-existent core.

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