Monday, April 30, 2012

Attitude and Eating....

Being a Registered Dietitian has its challenges to say the least, in regards to working with clients and patients who are seeking quick results or in the search for that miracle slimming food or drug.  I find a great deal of people denying themselves the foods they love, and end up gaining most of their weight back… as they return to reality after their diet.   I HATE the word DIET… it should not exist… and I actually never tell people to diet.  I gear them more in the direction of a lifestyle change… and most importantly changing their attitudes toward food.  Women especially tend to form an antagonistic relationship with food more so than men. 

In Dr. Weil’s book “Spontaneous Healing”…he mentions that the body possesses an enormous capacity to take care of itself as long as one took care of it by feeding it well and by not putting toxins into it.  So with this.. by restricting calories so low in our (yours) diet we tend to wreak havoc on the body.. and send it into starvation mode.  We are also setting ourselves up for a nasty relationship with food and ultimately with a negative outcome.   Studies have repeatedly shown that people who skip breakfast tend to be overweight.  We need to face food ultimately with respect… also as a variable that will provide energy, joy, and nurture ourselves.  I sound like Deepak Chopra but come on.. you see where I am going with this.

Nancy Clark, MS, RD and several sports dietitian’s point out these steps to keep you on track with your weight and overall wellbeing.

1.       Don’t starve yourself!!   We all know what sending your body into negative caloric balance will do, especially if you are training or initiating a new exercise plan.  You will find yourself hurt for one thing, unmotivated, and exhausted.  The authors suggest that you first start your exercise routine.. then let your body get used to the changes.. then start to be more cognizant of your food intake.. and then make the changes. 

2.      Calories Count….this is not rocket science folks, we all know that in order to lose weight or maintain we need to stay in balance… I would suggest keeping a food journal.. or utilizing the online programs out there.. such as which is free.. and easy to use. Also rank your hunger/attitude during the day (1-5) with "5" being HUNGRY   I did this for about a week just to see where I was at… I am not the best at recording food intake or my feelings.. but I recognized after day 2 where my pitfalls were… and they were at breakfast with juice, and at 5pm when I was snacking before dinner. 

3.      Make wise food choices…try to limit processed foods, and incorporate more whole grains,  fruits and vegetables.  I am a prime example of avoiding vegetables… I then started carrying around a little bit of hummus with carrots… then switched up it with peanut butter… and now my all time favorite are English Peas… (cannot get enough of these… a shade starchy… but better than a cookie).  I was eating rice cakes with peanut butter but found the rice cakes to be so crumbly and make such a mess.. I felt like a 3-year old at work someday with crumbs all over.  I will just eat those at home.. where it does not matter J 

4.      Eat out less often…. Start by taking your lunch to work, or if you have to eat out for business just start ordering from the heart healthy section of the menu. If you are just plain stinking lazy… then at least find a place to eat that will not clog your arteries and potentially give you food poisoning.  If you ever followed me to work and discovered what goes on in the kitchen.. believe me you would avoid eating out!!    P.s.  Did you know that it would take running 4 miles a day for 7 days straight to burn off 1 Fast Food Meal!!!  Hold the phone.. I probably don’t even run 4 miles in 1 week… J 
Yep.. keep know it....

5.      Fuel yourself throughout the day… distribute your calories evenly.. like you were parceling out medication to keep a constant dosage in your body.. (I like this analogy taken from the book Runner’s World Complete Book of Women’s Running)  The steady course of energy throughout the day will keep you from binging later in the day or setting yourself up for disaster after dinner. 

So let’s start with the 90/10 Rule… or 80/20… whatever floats your boat.   Make healthful choices 90 percent of the time, and allow yourself to splurge the remaining 10 percent.   Can we do it…. YES WE CAN!    

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Changing The Way We Eat....

Okay, maybe this picture is not completely appropriate for this post... but it seriously sends me into hysterics thinking about this kid (Randy) eating for his mom in the classic movie "The Christmas Story".  I often joke with my girlfriends about eating my birthday cake like this sometime in my life.. of course in a private location... as if this picture leaked of me eating like this.. I would probably lose my license to educate my clients and patients on a healthy lifestyle.   But the purpose of this blog is to educate while also letting people know.. that it is okay to have fun and enjoy food.   I know I promised that I was going to blog about "Relearning How to Eat"... well I have decided to post that later this week. 

I have been eagerly awaiting to post about this next experience I had at a workshop a few years back that seriously changed (my life) and my outlook on food.  I actually feel like my posts all are starting to mirror my workshop experiences... but I have been so lucky to attend some of the best workshops and seminars living out here in California, and hope to continue doing so in the years ahead.  I come out of these workshops like a 5 year old coming out of Chucky Cheese... I am so excited to tell everyone what I learned, and when one of my favorite authors, shows up... I do one of these...

The workshop I attended in San Francisco a few years back was Field to Plate  by Amanda Archibald, Registered Dietitian.   I experienced food in a way that no 4 year degree (plus graduate) ever prepared me for.  I loved the concept of a hands-on culinary-nutrition workshop, and building a culinary-nutrition bridge between the science, and the art of customizing ingredients and food to the menu and individual plate (taken from the website).   Do you recall my post a few days back about my culinary skills (oh dear lord).. and desire to learn.  My dream is to spend a day with these ladies.see below.. (No idea who they are.. but I bet they know how to cook)... I found them when I googled "ladies cooking in church basement".  I hope they don't mind... 

Well.. it was after this workshop that I realized how food brings all of us together.. and how much I am really missing out on the beauty of flavor and getting to understand how food nourishes the soul.  I plan to attend her workshop again.. and maybe again...check out this website as well...

One example from the workshop.. was the "flight of flavors" where we were blindfolded (in a good way)... and instructed to taste different olive oils....learn how each one was processed.. discover the difference between GOOD and BAD oils... we also would eat various fruits and vegetables.. while also learning a great deal about our palates by using a q-tip and swabbing  the tongue in the various sensory was interesting to see how we all tasted food differently....

P.S.  Did anyone check out the article this month in Runner's World by Scott Jurek  "Eat Vegan & Run".... oh I am loving it.  I absolutely love the nutrition tidbits out of this magazine.  Once again.. I am not a vegan, but just like to read about it, know about it..and educate clients when necessary about it.  I am also not a long distance runner.. but enjoy reading about it....yep.  I will stick to my 5K's for now.. as I like to talk to people when I run (usually in very incomplete sentences.. as I can hardly breath nor or less talk when I run)   Did I mention I will be running  walking/socializing and stalking celebrities next week here...

It will be a miracle if we even finish 2 miles... (Cinco De Mayo happens to be that weekend)

By the way... Bok Choy is in season....

One cup of Bok Choy only contains 9 kcal's and more than half your daily needs for Vitamin A & C, and research shows it may prevent some cancers.  I prefer it brushed with olive oil.. and sauteed or in stir-fry.   Thanks Runner's World... for promoting my favorite cabbage.  

Alright.... thanks for reading.. I will be back this week with more.  

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Running and Weight Loss

For the past 3 years I have been running on and off, and during this time I find myself monitoring my weight more so than I ever have.  A great deal of women come to this sport with hopes of slimming down and losing weight.   Running can shed weight faster than any other activity (well sort of ), because it is simply put.. running takes more energy.  A few things happen when you begin a running program:  One may start to find themselves shifting to a healthier lifestyle when running, avoiding alcohol more so (sort of ), and heavy meals which may cause abdominal distress.   A year ago I was training for my second half-marathon and decided to research a program that would guide me in eating while training.  I have found two books to be of valuable resource to my never ending nutrition library. 
They are:  Nancy Clark's "Sports Nutrition Guidebook"
The next book I have found to be of great resource is:  Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running.
Nancy Clark, MS, RD shares a great formula in her book that I found to be successful in my training and keeping the weight off.   This might not work with everyone.. but this will give you a start to finding out how many calories your body uses in a day.

1.  Multiply your body weight by 10.  This will give your resting metabolic rate.
2.  Calculate how many additional calories your body uses during the day in the following manner. Multiply the figure you arrived at in step 1 by 20 to 40 percent if you are sedentary, 40-60 percent if you are active, or 60 to 80 percent if your are very active.  
3.  Determine how many calories you will expend running (Nancy suggests adding 100 calories per mile).
4.  Add together the numbers you arrived at in steps 1, 2, and 3.  This figure is your total daily calorie expenditure. 

I found this formula to be successful while I was training for the Nike Women's Half-Marathon last October... I was also documenting my food intake, and found if I was going to lose 1 pound per week, I was going to have to eliminate 500kcals per day ... and guess what item in my diet was killing me everyday... it was the juice I was drinking in the morning!!  So I removed that.. and my 5pm snack while I was preparing dinner... and started to see results. 

In my next blog.. I am going to discuss "Relearning How to Eat".... stay has been a busy week.. but I am still blogging....don't worry :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Milk It

Up until about five years ago I never really payed much attention to the fiber, protein, and calories in almond milk, soy milk and rice milk, of course until I moved to California and discovered EVERYONE was drinking either soy or almond milk.   I then decided to collaborate a list of the different varieties of milks and their nutritional content.  I also taste tested them.. and the ones that I did not feel like tasting I went to the Internet and read blogs about how they tasted and ranked.   I know alot of people choose not to drink cows milk either due to an allergy, dietary preference, or religious reason.   I recently started using almond milk in my smoothies and enjoy the low calorie option, while still getting the Vitamin D and Calcium.   So let's get this party started...

Based on 1 Cup Serving:

1)  Almond Milk

Calories:  60
Fat: 2.5 g
Sugar: 7 g
Vit D & Ca+ = 25% and 30% (respectively)
Taste: Sweet nutty, do NOT recommend with coffee... ..

2)  Soymilk

Calories:  90
Fat: 3.5g
Sugar: 6 g
Vit D & Ca+ = 30% and 30%
Taste: Slightly sweet, with a "beany" aftertaste, can be used with coffee without a yuck factor

3)  Rice Milk

Calories:  120
Fat:  2.5g
Sugar: 10g
Vit D & Ca+ = 25% & 30%
Taste:  Not bad, little sweet, definitely do not add to it is not creamy at all.

4)  Coconut Milk
Calories:  80
Fat: 5 g
Sugar: 6 g
Vitamin D & Ca+ = 30% and 10%
Taste:  Taste's like coconut yogurt, do not suggest using with coffee

5)  Cows Milk (2%)

Calories:  130
Fat:  5 g
Sugar: 12 g
Vitamin D & Calcium:  25% & 30%
Taste:  No complaints, its creamy and works well with coffee :)

So what is your milk of choice??  

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Eating for the Earth.. Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day Everyone!

I was visiting with a group of friends last night discussing Earth Day, and we all were trying to figure out the origination of Earth Day, so I researched wikipedia of course for a definition and history on Earth Day:

Earth Day is a day early each year on which events are held worldwide to increase awareness and appreciation of the Earth's natural environment. Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network,[1] and is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year.[2] In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 International Mother Earth Day.[3] Earth Day is planned for April 22 in all years at least through 2015.[4]
The name and concept of Earth Day was allegedly pioneered by John McConnell in 1969 at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco. (Of course it had something to do with San Francisco.. I had a feeling :)  

In honor of Earth Day I googled Registered Dietitians who devote their time and research into going green and educating the rest of us at the same time. 
I came across this book by Kate Geagan, MS, RD
Here are a list of eco-friendly changes you can make to help green the Earth taken from blog I have been reading about Earth Day!

  1. Eat more local food in season: local produce uses less fuel to get from its roots to your kitchen and helps support your local farmers!
  2. Try to choose organic produce, or at least organic produce on the Dirty Dozen list: choosing organic versions of produce reduces the level of pesticides the environment is exposed to…and reduces exposure to your body as well.
  3. Purchase foods with less packaging: while it is more convenient to purchase a container of pre-portioned foods, this creates more waste! If you want grab-and-go snacks, skip the pre-portioned packages and portion them yourself into your own reusable containers in grab-and-go serving sizes. This works great for things like nuts, unsweetened dried fruits, and carrots.
  4. Choose more plant foods and less meat: eating less meat can help reduce energy use and carbon emissions.
  5. Find ways to use less energy while cooking: letting an oven pre-heat or keeping a pot of water boiling for hours uses more energy and spends more of your money. 
Here is another book with eco-saving tips (written by an RD of course)

Here is a great site for all of you to find out which fruits and vegetables are in season at this time...

How many of you support CSA? (Community Supported Agriculture).  This is a GREAT program.. and oh how I wish we would of had this around while I was growing up.
Check out this website to learn more about it....
What is in Season in Your Region??
Nebraska Produce Availability Chart:

Here is a fun Earth Day Recipe:

Angel Hair Pasta with Asparagus


  • 8 ounces angel hair pasta
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1-1/2 pounds fresh asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1 inch pieces
  • 1/4 cup chicken broth
  • 1/2 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Cooking Instructions

  1. Cook pasta according to package instructions.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a nonstick skillet. Saute asparagus in the pan over medium heat for about 3 minutes. Add chicken broth and mushroom slices; cook 3 minutes more.
  3. Drain pasta, and transfer to a serving dish. Gently toss pasta with asparagus mixture; sprinkle with Parmesan and crushed red pepper.
Nutrition Facts

Servings per Recipe: 4
Amount Per Serving
  • calories: 299cal
  • total fat: 9.4g
  • cholesterol: 10mg
  • sodium: 413mg
  • carbohydrates: 40.2g
  • fiber: 5.2g
  • protein: 17.1g

Happy Earth Day Friends!

Taken from

Friday, April 20, 2012

Healthy Happy Hour

One of my favorite blogs to catch up on the latest trends in fashion, celebrity gossip, and fitness is this one.... and

I came across an article recently on how to eat healthy over happy hour, and thought this would definitely attract some of you.. as we all participate in happy hour in one form or another.  

Here are a few tips to get you started (from fitsugar)

Choose hummus instead of butter. Nothing satiates hunger quite like a plate of warm bread, so if you are craving the carbs, go for a hummus spread instead of butter. Not only will you save calories and fat (36 calories and 4.1 g of fat in a pat of butter vs. 26 calories and 1.3 g of fat in a tablespoon of hummus).

Pick the right seafood.  Stay away from fried baskets of calamari (350 calories per serving) and order a shrimp cocktail (120 calories) or raw oysters (about 10 calories each) with lemon juice or a dash of mignonette sauce instead.

Snack attack. If you want something to nibble on, don't be tempted by the fries. Instead, choose finger foods like edamame, which gives you that hit of salt without the calories and fat (about 100 calories and 3 g of fat in a 1/2 cup of edamame vs. 427 calories and 22.8 g of fat in a medium serving of fries).
  • Manage your meat. If you must have a burger, try ordering sliders instead; they are offered on many happy hour menus and you can easily portion control (by splitting the order with your friends or only ordering one slider). If appetizers like chicken satay are on the menu, order the sauce on the side; you could save up to 131 calories, for example, by ordering the satay peanut sauce as a dip instead of already smothering those grilled chicken skewers.
  • Supplement with a salad. Many happy hour menus have a salad option, but if not the salad offerings in the normal appetizer menu will probably be a comparable price. Ordering a small salad means you can still snack on the foods you want while keeping yourself from overindulging.

Okay.. Moving onto booze....According to the website

Steer clear of high-calorie fruit drinks. The average candy bar has about 29 grams of sugar. The strawberry daiquiri mix alone has nearly 40 grams of sugar! That is nearly triple your daily recommended amount of sugar? in just one drink! Add to that an ounce of rum and you are looking at a drink that has over 200 calories and 40 grams of sugar. If you are craving something sweet, why not try flavored vodka with soda instead? You can have an orange vodka and soda and it will only set you back about 70 calories.

Opt for freshly-made margaritas, instead of frozen pre-mixed. If you absolutely must have a margarita, then avoid the gigantic frozen, Cancun-type of ‘rita and have the bartender mix you up the original. Not only is it refreshing, but it will also save you sugar and calories!

Watch out for those free-floating bar snacks! Bars love to supply their guests with salty treats like beer nuts, peanuts, sesame Asian mix that make you drink more – good for them, bad for you (and might I add GROSS).  Besides the hundreds of unnecessary calories, sharing isn’t always a good thing. Avoiding bar snacks where unwashed fingers roam –

Beer lovers rejoice!   Many light beers are under 110 calories and have under 6 grams of carbs.  Hip.. Hip Hooray!!!

When all else fails, try old reliable – white wine.   At about a 120 calories a glass and less than 7 grams of carbs.  (Not bad eh??)

This is good stuff eh??   So after you consume in excess and get all crazy with the cheese whiz... then here are few helpful hints for the next morning....

Stay Hydrated: Water vs. Gatorade

Replace Essential Nutrients

Go to sleep sober.
One of the reasons hangovers leave us fatigued is because the alcohol interferes with REM sleep, the most restful stage of the night. Once sober, rest as long as possible.
Do not take aspirin
Tylenol or ibuprofen. Mixing these with alcohol will result in liver damage, increased length of alcohol in your system, and an irritated stomach.

There are a million remedies out there that we have all tried and swear by.. and here are a few of mine:  Vit B12, Prickly Pear Cactus Juice, Agave Nectar, Dr. Pepper, Toast with Peanut Butter, ect....

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Very Vegan

I am fascinated by veganism, I love to interview all my patients regarding this dietary lifestyle and learn about what made them become a vegan.  Today I came across a 92 year old lady who was a vegan,  she was a blast to visit with... and she was still yelling out my name across the campus to come back and see her when I left.  Her choice to become a vegan was of that of along the lines of the doctrine that man should live without exploiting animals.  Subsequently, she became a vegan at the age of 80... and was probably the most educated vegan I knew.  

I recall reading the book "Skinny Bitch" which the authors were both advocates of following a plant based diet, as well as Oprah Winfrey.. and her staff followed a vegan diet for a week and documented it on one of her shows.  A few close friends of mine who are vegans have referred me to this book:
I am afraid to read it... as I am a huge animal lover... and know I am a hypocrite for saying that.. as I eat animal products.  During my 28 day cleanse.. I experimented with vegan recipes, and avoiding animal products when possible.

Some easy steps to incorporate becoming a vegan/and or vegetarianism would be to:

1) Transform dishes you already know and love, such as substituting meatless meatballs, or using soy cheese (like I started using) as well as veganaise. 
2) Be Nice and try it twice:  If you prepared an entree and hated it... try it again.. but substitute something else.. or prepare it differently.   It actually took me 3x to get used to veganaise on my sandwiches.
3) Browse health food stores:  Ohhhhh my favorite!!  If you ever want to do this... I will beat you to the door!  I can spend hours in Whole Foods... sniffing, tasting, and reading labels.
4) Be patient:  If you slip up... don't worry... give it another college try.  
5) Browse your local bookstores for fun cookbooks, and recipes.. or BLOGS :)
6) Seek out new restaurants in your area!  Chinese, Indian, Middle Eastern and Thai restaurants and taste the many dishes they have to offer.  
For instance.. this place is on my to eat list in San Francisco: 
Millennium Restaurant is dedicated to supporting the essential earthly concepts of organic food production, small farms, sustainable agriculture, recycling and composting. We cook with fresh produce delivered every day, and choose organic whenever possible. We believe that a gourmet dining experience can be created out of vegetarian, healthy, and environmentally friendly foods. We are proud to state that our restaurant is completely free of genetically modified foods. (I gathered this from their website ) 

I found this qoute from a blog and thought I would end with

"Why do people worry about vegetarianism being unhealthy more than we do about eating pizza daily and sitting washed out in front of the television?"

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Clueless in the Kitchen

I can openly admit that I unfortunately did not inherit any knowledge, ability, or skill of how to cook... what-so-ever.   Both grandmothers, my mother, aunts, and a few uncles are probably close to Julia Child in the kitchen... but I never developed the skills to be crafty in the kitchen.   I enjoy watching the Food Network.. but when it comes to preparing food I am usually clueless.  This past year my mom sent me this gem of a cookbook... seriously.. this book is full of recipes by some of the best cooks in my home state.
Here is the book.....

You better believe it... this cookbook was developed in 1979 by some of the most hardworking women in my hometown.  These ladies could out-cook any of you...and still have a good laugh while doing it.

Just check out a few of these recipes....

This is a recipe for a Kolache.... if you have never heard of a kolache.. then google it.  They are like heaven in your mouth... and my aunt probably makes the best Kolache's in the nation world!

I am in this phase where I love to gather recipes from my family members, I usually look at them, file them.. and never carry through with any end result or masterpeice to show for.  One of these days I plan to attend cooking classes (AGAIN) and develop a love for cooking.  It is not that I do not know how to cook.. I just tend to cook really boring things... and need to step it up.  Soooo do not be suprised if you see me hanging out here this year....Your never too old... right????

But probably will not be here...(sorry mom)

But you may find me here... (Bring it Julia.....)

I will keep you posted on the cooking classes...because I will be back one day with my blog about food that I have prepared.. so far it is just smoothies.  

Monday, April 16, 2012

What We Eat.. When We Eat Alone

A few years ago I attended a workshop in San Francisco and was introduced to a world renowned chef by the name of Deborah Madison.  She is the author of many cookbooks and I absolutely love one of her books I picked up years ago.  The book is "What we eat when we eat alone"  

I also LOVE the illustrations in the book by Patrick McFarlin, seriously make me laugh

I love this one with the person eating in their bed with all the bugs... I think eating in bed should be illegal.. YUCK!!

I can relate to this book in so many ways.. and in different stages of my life where I cooked for just myself.   For instance.. when I was in graduate school, I was a Teaching Assistant in the Foods Lab, and my professor allowed me to take home all the food that was not used, or about to expire.  I can remember bringing home all these vegetables that I have never heard of or tasted.   I will never forget my first experience with Jicama.   I had never tasted Jicama in my life growing up in rural Nebraska. If you are not familiar with this root vegetable... here is a quick infomercial from wiseGEEK:


Jicama is a crispy, sweet, edible root that resembles a turnip in physical appearance, although the plants are not related. Jicama has been cultivated in South America for centuries, and the vegetable is quite popular in Mexican cuisine. Jicama has a unique flavor that lends itself well to salads, salsas, and vegetable platters. The roots can sometimes grow to be quite large, although when they exceed the size of two fists, they begin to convert the sugars that give jicama its sweet flavor into starches, making the root somewhat woody to the taste.

So I came home and cut up the Jicama.. and proceeded to eat it in my salad.. then woke up the next day with hives all over my chest.   So I guess trial and error with exotic root vegetables.  

I laugh when I tell people about my concoctions I think up to prepare for myself.  When I was younger.. I used to take Bologna and spread mayonnaise on it.. and fold it... and called it a "Taco Maco".  Not sure where this odd name came up.. but my brother and talk about it all the time.   
Here is a list of some of the odd things people confessed in the book that they ate when they were alone.
1.  Saltines crumbled in Milk (YUCK)
2.  Wonder Bread, flattened, covered with butter and sugar, then frozen briefly, so it becomes a kind of sugar cookie.
3.  Leftover spaghetti that is stuck together, fried with Swiss cheese (Holy Crap-ola.. that is bad)
4.  Oyster Crackers in Coffee

I can openly admit I really do not have any fun/cool/gross food inventions I have come up with.. but I think my tater-tot casserole recipe is borderline gross according to a few select people we will not mention on this blog.  

I have recently started developing my own smoothie recipes.. and I seriously love the latest one I have developed.. I am trying to keep it under 400kcals if possible (seems like alot.. but I drink them for breakfast.. and that is my meal replacement).
It involves 1 Cup Almond Milk, 4-5 Large Strawberries (Frozen), 1/2 Banana, 1 cup of Kale, 2 Scoops of Vegan Protein Powder, 1 scoop of Fiber Boost (12 grams of Fiber) (optional), 2 Tbsp of Flax Seed (Ground) as it gives my smoothie a little bit of crunch, and a little bit of coconut (fresh).   I seriously love it....

If any of you have a favorite smoothie recipe...share it... I dare you....

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fun With The Farmers

One thing about living in California that I enjoy are the year round farmers markets.  I LOVE to visit with the local farmers, and discover new fruits and vegetables that I have never prepared in my life. 
One of my favorite farmers markets is here in Pleasanton, CA, not only is their downtown from a story book, but this market brings out the best of the best.
When I am shopping at the farmers markets... there are always a few select things I consistently pick up.. and they are almonds (fresh), English peas, beets, various lettuces, and flowers.  But recently I discovered a booth where they were making fresh Indian Samosas and I cannot get enough of these!!!
Samosas are a popular Indian appetizer, street food, or tiffin (light lunch). If you are not familiar with what a Samosa is, it is similar to pastry such as fried empanada (popular in rural area) with spicy boiled potato stuffing inside crispy flour dough served with spicy chutney.  I introduced them to my mom when she was visiting out here in August.  She LOVED them....

Another item I have fallen in love with is rainbow chard (Weird??)... no... it's super healthy!

I am also embarrassed to say that I have never prepared this item in my kitchen before.. but found some great recipes in my Real Simple magazine and studied up on what to look for when purchasing them.. and gave them a whirl.  Hello Turnips...

After I finished with the farmers... I carried on over to my favorite grocery store.  I am seriously ADDICTED to this place.. and may always have to live in a location that has this store.   It is Sprouts!

I especially love perusing the supplement section... you can find anything.. for any type of ailment from foot fungus, hangnails, itchy skin, PMS, oh.. and hangovers...

Today I am going shopping for fresh ginger.... to make my own detox tea (I am going to use that word freely here in this blog, as it is enticing to people)  It is kind of like posting a recipe and saying "These magic beets will save your life" is a recipe I found on my favorite blog:

Here is a fun and easy recipe I found on her blog...
  • 1/2 inch knob of ginger sliced thinly or grated

  • lemon

  • Stevia to taste

  • Simply pour boiling water over the ginger, let steep for about 5mins then add lemon juice and stevia to taste.
    I absolutely love ginger.. and knowing all the health benefits (fights inflammation).. it's going to always be a part of my life.  

    Saturday, April 14, 2012

    Review the Cleanse...

    I came across this article in my local magazine that is published monthly here in the Diablo Valley.  I love that the 28 Day Cleanse (brand not mentioned) was reviewed by both the participant and a local Dietitian here in the East Bay.   I like the last paragraph by the writer... as I agree with her findings.  I also enjoyed the Dietitian's perspective as well....

    During my cleanse I faced more feedback from my colleagues than I did family.  This was expected.. as I seriously have the smartest group of Dietitian friends.  These girls know their stuff...  I mean seriously.. who spends an hour talking about protein synthesis?  We do.....

    Since I completed the cleanse I have been able to maintain my weight.. with even another 2-3 pound weight loss.   I will say the one item that I still cannot tolerate as much.. is coffee.   How disappointing.  I also find alcohol to make me feel horrible after consumption.  I recently read (on twitter) that drinking 2 glasses of wine can disrupt your sleep so much it would be equivalent to staying awake for 17 hours!  I may need a reference on that... but sounds about right as I had 2 glasses of wine last night after work..and I woke up every hour.  

    Thursday, April 12, 2012

    To Sardine With Love....

    This next post is for my Dad out in Nebraska.. who reads my blog daily and will love every minute about this post... as he is a HUGE fan of Sardines......

    Sardines may not be the most appealing food item in the world... but if people only knew the nutritional benefits and perks that come with these little fish.. I am sure you would all change your mind.. right??  Well we will see....

    Just check out this table.....

    Nutrients in
    3.20 oz-wt (90.72 grams)

    Nutrient%Daily Value

    vitamin B12135.1%



    omega-3 fats55.8%



    vitamin D43.7%


    vitamin B323.8%


    Calories (188)10%

    Sardines are no joke... they are good for you...and found to support cardiovascular and bone health.  With the growing concern over health and safety of our ocean waters, people are turning to sardines since they are at the bottom of the aquatic food chain, feeding only on plankton, and therefore do not concentrate heavy metals, such as mercury, and contaminants as compared to other fish.

    According to the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch list, Pacific sardines are featured on the The Super Green List and considered "the Best of the Best" in seafood; to receive this recognition a fish or shellfish needed to be among their "Best Choices" for sustainability, provide at least 250 mg of omega-3s in an 8-ounce serving, and contain low levels of mercury (less than 216 ppb) and PCBs (less than 11 ppb).

    Here are a few quick serving ideas.....
    • Sprinkle sardines with lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil.
    • Combine sardines with chopped onion, olives, or fennel (never tried this but sounds good)
    • Top sardines with chopped tomatoes and basil, oregano, or rosemary (could be good?)
    • Balsamic vinegar gives sardines a nice flavor
    • Make a sauce with extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, pressed garlic, Dijon mustard, and salt and pepper. Serve over sardines. (This is similar to what I do)
    Here is a quick clip from my good friend Dr. Weil.. on Sardines...

    Did I mention I am going to be eating at his restaurant "True Food Kitchen" in Newport Beach a few weeks from now.... can ..... hardly.....wait......

    If you suffer from (Gout) you may want to be careful with your sardine consumption... secondary to the purines in sardines may cause build up of uric acid and unfortunately cause you a great deal of pain.