Monday, April 23, 2012

Milk It

Up until about five years ago I never really payed much attention to the fiber, protein, and calories in almond milk, soy milk and rice milk, of course until I moved to California and discovered EVERYONE was drinking either soy or almond milk.   I then decided to collaborate a list of the different varieties of milks and their nutritional content.  I also taste tested them.. and the ones that I did not feel like tasting I went to the Internet and read blogs about how they tasted and ranked.   I know alot of people choose not to drink cows milk either due to an allergy, dietary preference, or religious reason.   I recently started using almond milk in my smoothies and enjoy the low calorie option, while still getting the Vitamin D and Calcium.   So let's get this party started...

Based on 1 Cup Serving:

1)  Almond Milk

Calories:  60
Fat: 2.5 g
Sugar: 7 g
Vit D & Ca+ = 25% and 30% (respectively)
Taste: Sweet nutty, do NOT recommend with coffee... ..

2)  Soymilk

Calories:  90
Fat: 3.5g
Sugar: 6 g
Vit D & Ca+ = 30% and 30%
Taste: Slightly sweet, with a "beany" aftertaste, can be used with coffee without a yuck factor

3)  Rice Milk

Calories:  120
Fat:  2.5g
Sugar: 10g
Vit D & Ca+ = 25% & 30%
Taste:  Not bad, little sweet, definitely do not add to it is not creamy at all.

4)  Coconut Milk
Calories:  80
Fat: 5 g
Sugar: 6 g
Vitamin D & Ca+ = 30% and 10%
Taste:  Taste's like coconut yogurt, do not suggest using with coffee

5)  Cows Milk (2%)

Calories:  130
Fat:  5 g
Sugar: 12 g
Vitamin D & Calcium:  25% & 30%
Taste:  No complaints, its creamy and works well with coffee :)

So what is your milk of choice??  

1 comment:

  1. This is great info as I have never been much of a milk drinker, and my daughter has been a fan of rice milk since she was very young (just never liked the taste/texture of cow's milk). I love coconut milk creamer!
