Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 10

Was up this morning at 0500 hours so I could make my dentist appointment, I failed to eat breakfast due to lack of time.. and ended up taking my supplements on a partial empty stomach.  WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!!  I was praying I would not gag, dry heave on my poor dentist due to my upset stomach from failing to eat enough.   This is the second day of the "colon blow cleanse" as well... I am not enjoying this part.  I cannot stand the taste of the body cleanse formula... and probably will not do this again.  Fortunately... no horrific GI stories to tell you.. but I am noticing this drink is making my stomach hurt the following day.  

This leads me to the conversation I had last night with a dear good friend of mine from Southern California.  She is wicked smart.. and I seriously thought about carrying a clip board when I am with her.. because she has such great ideas, thoughts, and has been my rock this past year.   So anyway.. we were breaking down this cleanse,  I was discussing with her how I felt... and what I have not felt by taking part in this.   Is is possible.. that if a person is already in relatively good health.. and eats according to the RDA's. and American Heart Association guidelines... they may not experience the same euphoria as a person who started the cleanse in an "Inflammatory" state??   This is our hypothesis... and we are out to get answers...

I am on day 10.. and really not noticing anything to write home about.  I still have another 20 days of this cleanse.. so maybe this "Euphoria" is going to happen in the next few weeks.  Today.. I am eating the crap out of these.... I cannot get enough of them...and it's super healthy!!
Although I prefer to buy them from the farmers market.. where they are grown locally. I just noticed on the bag I have here.. they are from Mexico.. so that means they were on a truck with rodents.. and there could be potential hazards in this bag of English Peas.   ALWAYS wash your produce... I cringe when I watch people eat grapes, and berries in the grocery store.. without washing them.  If I could only draw a map... of what crawls over your produce.. how it is transported.. and how many people touch their hair and nose.. then touch all the produce in the grocery store.  

I cannot get this out of my mind....

or this

1 comment:

  1. Love, love sugar snap peas. And Diet coke. I'm trying to give up Diet Coke...but, hmm...it's probably not going to happen. :)
