Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 24

You are probably all wondering what is up with the small packet of pills.  This small packet of "Fun" is just another step to this 30 days cleanse.   I have been religiously taking this "Daily Power Pack" of supplements which includes: A multivitamin, probiotic/enzyme capsule, and those three pinkish pills are supposed to be full of antioxidants and minerals to support bone health.   According to the box these pills will promote nutrient absorption, support eye health, breast health, and provide energy and longevity.  Wow!!  so.. what they are saying.. is that by day 30 my vision will be 20/20, my boobs will be a "E" cup, and I will most likely live to 100.   Awesome!

Unfortunately..the box did not say that you need to take these on a FULL stomach.. and I mean... FULL!!!!   Today I was giving a dietary consult at work... and was overcome with SEVERE nausea after downing this whole pack of pills after my smoothie.  I thought I was going to barf in my patients room.  Had to leave in the middle of my consult.. do a few laps around the hallway and do some deep breathing... and regain my composure.  Not to mention it was a psych unit.. which was locked.. and there was no bathroom to be found.   I seriously took these pills with 16.9oz of water.. and they still made me so nauseated.   I think I am done with the power pack for now.. and will continue with my fish oil and other GI friendly supplements I have been taking for years with no altercations.  

I plan to really dissect this cleanse on Day 30 for you all... and will even bring in another dietitian's view point as well.   I will also be continuing the blog for a few more weeks after this is completed to see if I have any intolerance's.. when I add my foods back into my diet, I will humor you with my first beer, and cup of coffee this weekend.   Might even bring my Nebraska family into the mix when I leave next week for Easter.  Hope to document and post pictures of the food we will be eating... as it will give some of my California friends a heart attack.   I sure hope mom makes this.....

I actually have no idea what this is... but I seriously died laughing when I came across this,  Looks like something me and my girlfriends may have concocted back in the days of college!!! 

Till tomorrow everyone....

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