Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 9

Today I spent the entire day at a legislative health care conference in Sacramento.  Attending conferences and work functions are difficult when you are on a cleanse.  As it is usually impossible to find healthy food at these functions. And they had to set up a dessert bar right next to our expo table today... sure they did... I sat and looked at various desserts for 2 hours while I worked our booth.   I am embarrassed to report I did not eat lunch.. and had a Butterscotch sucker (from See's Candy) on my drive home from Sacramento. 

I decided to not to drink the "Colon Blow" supplement today... as there was NO WAY I wanted to be bothered with that stuff.  Especially since I had to take part in a very important meeting today. 

This past weekend while I was home.. I decided to look into Grass Fed Cows vs Grain Fed Cows.  Since I have been eating grass fed beef with this cleanse.  A few dramatic things I noticed.. is that the price of grass fed beef is about $2.00-3.00 more!  Also the meat is a shade darker with less marbling in the meat.  I grew up in the midwest and consumed mostly grain fed beef.  A matter a fact my family consumed beef 6 days a week (everyone gasp).. in some form or another with either lunch or dinner.  I recently read an article on CNN  this is how they explained the debate:  "The grass-fed cow, which eats from a pasture and is not "finished" on a diet of grains and supplements for rapid weight gain, is said by its promoters to be better for the planet (less energy goes into growing grass than grain); better for the beef eater (less overall fat, and more omega-3s and other "good" fats); and better for the cow (critics decry feedlot practices as inhumane"
Here is the rest of the article which is very interesting:

I then decided to watch this food documentary (love netflix)

This documentary was very informative and also discusses grass fed vs grain fed beef... and of course after I watched this I immediately called my father back in Nebraska to discuss.  I have decided to let you all give your feedback on this... (via my comments section) as I do have an opinion on this matter but will keep that to myself for now... because there is a very good chance I will have this after my cleanse....

According to In-N-Out's website.. their beef is 100% pure beef with no fillers, additives or preservatives.  I mean come on.. every celebrity out here visits this place regularly... (Paris Hilton often spotted here as well).  So anyway... I thought this would be an interesting conversation ... and as the number of U.S. grass-fed beef producers is rising -- from 50 in 2002 to more than 2,000 today this is worth discussing.   I enjoy red meat occasionally, and it plays a BIG part in my family gatherings.. such as with Roast Beef at Christmas, Hamburgers in the summer,  Filet Mignon on the grill. My take home message tonight is that  all foods fit when consumed in moderation. 

I have decided to stop weighing myself EVERY day.. as it is suggested to only weigh yourself 2-3x per week... so I will update you on Thursday with my progress.
Mind, Body and Spirit:  I am tired..and that is completely related to missing lunch due to my schedule today.  My stomach also feels strange.. thanks to the colon blow drink I consumed yesterday... which by the way is not my favorite.

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